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Female Khajiit model issues


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Hi, I have a visual problem with the female Khajiit model, as the picture shows, they all have a red triangle with a white question mark upon their body...






I think the problem is the fact that the hands are missing, I don't know why, infact when I wear a pair of gloves that cover her hands this problem disappear

The only mod that can affect their body that I have installed are CBBE, better vampires and a clothing mod for CBBE bodies named Caliente's Vanilla outfits... I really don't know what the issue is, I tried to manually remove the textures for female Khajiit but still nothing, plus I noticed that in meshes folder I miss khajiit hand files, while I have all the other races ones, is it normal?


PS: I have the legendary edition of 2013, not special

Edited by emanuele91
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