ouibonjour Posted November 1, 2020 Share Posted November 1, 2020 For my personal use, I would like to use the mod Quick Outfit ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging§ion=view&do=inbox ) but use it on my companions, and maybe, on any followers or even NPC. The mod does a few thing : 1. It registers your current outfit. 2. You press an Hotkey and it offers different options, the most important : Save Outfit As Slot 1 (Slot 2, Slot 3, etc)3. When you press the hotkey for a specific outfit, it removes everything you're wearing and it equips every item that was saved on step 2. I checked into the mod in Creation Kit, and there is not much : Only 3 MessagesMenu for the menu, and a Quest "Active On-Startup". Everything is in the Papyrus. I opened the BA2 and am looking at the Papyrus, and I'm wondering if I could duplicate that Script but replace every "Player" by something else that would represent the companion I want to switch outfits. I'm pretty sure it would be more complicated than that, but I know that everything is in that script. I would not want to modify the current mod, as its creator does not seem to be active, and also because I like using it for my own character. What I would like would be to duplicate the mod, but with the values and property changed to apply to Cait, for example, with different hotkeys than those I use for my PC. And then I would duplicate another one for another follower, then for another one, etc. I'm sure we could combine everything in the same mod, but I believe it could quickly get out of my reach. Do you think you guys could help me out on what parts to change, and what to replace with what, and so on, if I copy the script below ?Lets say I would like to replace everything linked to the player by Cait (RefID: 79249) Scriptname QuickOutfit extends Quest Conditional ; Properties Message Property QuickOutfit_MainMenu Auto Const Message Property QuickOutfit_SaveAsMenu Auto Const Message Property QuickOutfit_DeleteFromMenu Auto Const FollowersScript Property Followers Auto Const Faction Property DisallowedCompanionFaction Auto Const ActorValue Property CarryWeight Auto Const ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Workshop Auto Const ; Variables bool Property Outfitset0Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset1Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset2Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset3Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset4Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset5Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset6Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset7Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset8Saved Auto Conditional bool Property Outfitset9Saved Auto Conditional bool Property ShowSavedInMenu Auto Conditional ; Which outfit set is currently equipped (from 0 to 9) int CurrentOutfitset ; The last item in the queue or NONE Form waitForEquipedItem ; Array of wearing items for each biped slot (each element has an item or NONE) Form[] OutfitsetFormList0 Form[] OutfitsetFormList1 Form[] OutfitsetFormList2 Form[] OutfitsetFormList3 Form[] OutfitsetFormList4 Form[] OutfitsetFormList5 Form[] OutfitsetFormList6 Form[] OutfitsetFormList7 Form[] OutfitsetFormList8 Form[] OutfitsetFormList9 ; Variables from MCM menu bool IsModEnabled bool ShowNotification ; Variables from MCM menu (for each set from 0 to 9) bool[] UnequipAllIsEnabled bool[] ExcludeFromRotation bool[] ShareFollowerInventory bool[] BipedSlotIsEnabled Event OnQuestInit() ; Register for events RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame") RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemEquipped") RegisterForRemoteEvent(Alias_Workshop.GetRef(), "OnWorkshopMode") ; Fill outfitset with current actor items (for each biped slot from 0 to 43) OutfitsetFormList0 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList1 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList2 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList3 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList4 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList5 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList6 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList7 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList8 = new Form[44] OutfitsetFormList9 = new Form[44] ; When changing outfit set, unequip all items, not included in the current set UnequipAllIsEnabled = new bool[10] ; Exclude current sets from next/prev rotation ExcludeFromRotation = new bool[10] ; Store the current set in the inventory of companions ShareFollowerInventory= new bool[10] ; To use or ignore current biped slot (for each biped slot from 0 to 43) BipedSlotIsEnabled = new bool[44] ; No one outfit is currently equipped CurrentOutfitset = 0 ReadMCMConfig() EndEvent Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(actor aSender) ; Register for events RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemEquipped") RegisterForRemoteEvent(Alias_Workshop.GetRef(), "OnWorkshopMode") ; When changing outfit set, unequip all items, not included in the current set UnequipAllIsEnabled = new bool[10] ; Exclude current sets from next/prev rotation ExcludeFromRotation = new bool[10] ; Store the current set in the inventory of companions ShareFollowerInventory= new bool[10] ; To use or ignore current biped slot (for each biped slot from 0 to 43) BipedSlotIsEnabled = new bool[44] ReadMCMConfig() EndEvent Event Actor.OnItemEquipped(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) if waitForEquipedItem != None if akBaseObject == waitForEquipedItem || akReference == waitForEquipedItem waitForEquipedItem = None IsModEnabled = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bModEnabled:Main") endIf endIf EndEvent Event ObjectReference.OnWorkshopMode(ObjectReference akSender, bool aStart) if aStart == true IsModEnabled = false else IsModEnabled = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bModEnabled:Main") endIf EndEvent ; 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Save as | Delete from | Cancel Function MainMenu() if IsModEnabled if !IsInPowerArmor() int idx = QuickOutfit_MainMenu.Show() if (idx >= 0 && idx <= 9) EquipOutfitset(idx) elseif (idx == 10) SaveAsMenu() elseif (idx == 11) DeleteFromMenu() endIf endIf endIf EndFunction ; 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Back Function SaveAsMenu() int idx = QuickOutfit_SaveAsMenu.Show() if (idx >= 0 && idx <= 9) SaveCurrentOutfitAs(idx) endIf ; Return to main menu MainMenu() EndFunction Function SaveCurrentOutfitAs(int aiIndex) Debug.Notification("$QUICKOUTFIT_SAVE_MESG") if aiIndex == 0 Outfitset0Saved = true elseIf aiIndex == 1 Outfitset1Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 2 Outfitset2Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 3 Outfitset3Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 4 Outfitset4Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 5 Outfitset5Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 6 Outfitset6Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 7 Outfitset7Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 8 Outfitset8Saved = true elseif aiIndex == 9 Outfitset9Saved = true endIf Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer() int idx = 0 while (idx < 44) Actor:WornItem wornItem = playerRef.GetWornItem(idx) if wornItem.Item && playerRef.GetItemCount(wornItem.Item) > 0 SetOutfitsetFormList(aiIndex, idx, wornItem.Item) else SetOutfitsetFormList(aiIndex, idx, NONE) endIf idx += 1 endWhile EndFunction ; 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Back Function DeleteFromMenu() int idx = QuickOutfit_DeleteFromMenu.Show() if (idx == 0) Outfitset0Saved = false elseif (idx == 1) Outfitset1Saved = false elseif (idx == 2) Outfitset2Saved = false elseif (idx == 3) Outfitset3Saved = false elseif (idx == 4) Outfitset4Saved = false elseif (idx == 5) Outfitset5Saved = false elseif (idx == 6) Outfitset6Saved = false elseif (idx == 7) Outfitset7Saved = false elseif (idx == 8) Outfitset8Saved = false elseif (idx == 9) Outfitset9Saved = false endIf ; Return to main menu MainMenu() EndFunction Function EquipOutfitset(int aiIndex) if IsModEnabled if !IsInPowerArmor() Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer() bool[] outfitsetSaved = new bool[10] outfitsetSaved[0] = Outfitset0Saved outfitsetSaved[1] = Outfitset1Saved outfitsetSaved[2] = Outfitset2Saved outfitsetSaved[3] = Outfitset3Saved outfitsetSaved[4] = Outfitset4Saved outfitsetSaved[5] = Outfitset5Saved outfitsetSaved[6] = Outfitset6Saved outfitsetSaved[7] = Outfitset7Saved outfitsetSaved[8] = Outfitset8Saved outfitsetSaved[9] = Outfitset9Saved if outfitsetSaved[aiIndex] == true IsModEnabled = false int idx = 43 while (idx >= 0) if BipedSlotIsEnabled[idx] Form item = GetOutfitsetFormList(aiIndex, idx) if item != NONE if (playerRef.GetItemCount(item) > 0 && playerRef.IsEquipped(item) == false) waitForEquipedItem = item idx = -1 endIf endIf endIf idx -= 1 endwhile idx = 0 while (idx < 44) if BipedSlotIsEnabled[idx] Form item = GetOutfitsetFormList(aiIndex, idx) if item != NONE if (playerRef.GetItemCount(item) > 0 && playerRef.IsEquipped(item) == false) playerRef.EquipItem(item, false, true) elseIf (playerRef.GetItemCount(item) == 0 && ShareFollowerInventory[aiIndex] == true) item = GiveMeThatThing(item) if item != NONE playerRef.EquipItem(item, false, true) endIf endIf endIf endIf idx += 1 endWhile if UnequipAllIsEnabled[aiIndex] == true idx = 0 while (idx < 44) if BipedSlotIsEnabled[idx] Form item = GetOutfitsetFormList(aiIndex, idx) if item == NONE playerRef.UnequipItemSlot(idx) endIf endIf idx += 1 endWhile endIf if ShareFollowerInventory[aiIndex] == true idx = 0 while (idx < 44) if BipedSlotIsEnabled[idx] Form item = GetOutfitsetFormList(CurrentOutfitset, idx) if item != NONE if (playerRef.GetItemCount(item) > 0 && playerRef.IsEquipped(item) == false) TakeThisThing(item) endIf endIf endIf idx += 1 endWhile endIf CurrentOutfitset = aiIndex if ShowNotification Debug.Notification("$QUICKOUTFIT_NAME_" + (CurrentOutfitset+1) as String) endIf if waitForEquipedItem == None IsModEnabled = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bModEnabled:Main") endif endIf endIf endIf EndFunction Function EquipNextOutfitset() if IsModEnabled if !IsInPowerArmor() bool[] outfitsetSaved = new bool[10] outfitsetSaved[0] = Outfitset0Saved outfitsetSaved[1] = Outfitset1Saved outfitsetSaved[2] = Outfitset2Saved outfitsetSaved[3] = Outfitset3Saved outfitsetSaved[4] = Outfitset4Saved outfitsetSaved[5] = Outfitset5Saved outfitsetSaved[6] = Outfitset6Saved outfitsetSaved[7] = Outfitset7Saved outfitsetSaved[8] = Outfitset8Saved outfitsetSaved[9] = Outfitset9Saved int idx = GetNextIndex(CurrentOutfitset) while ((outfitsetSaved[idx] == false || ExcludeFromRotation[idx] == true) && idx != CurrentOutfitset) idx = GetNextIndex(idx) endWhile if (idx != CurrentOutfitset) EquipOutfitset(idx) endIf endIf endIf EndFunction int Function GetNextIndex(int aiCurrentOutfitset) int idx = aiCurrentOutfitset + 1 if (idx > 9) idx = 0 endIf return idx EndFunction Function EquipPrevOutfitset() if IsModEnabled if !IsInPowerArmor() bool[] outfitsetSaved = new bool[10] outfitsetSaved[0] = Outfitset0Saved outfitsetSaved[1] = Outfitset1Saved outfitsetSaved[2] = Outfitset2Saved outfitsetSaved[3] = Outfitset3Saved outfitsetSaved[4] = Outfitset4Saved outfitsetSaved[5] = Outfitset5Saved outfitsetSaved[6] = Outfitset6Saved outfitsetSaved[7] = Outfitset7Saved outfitsetSaved[8] = Outfitset8Saved outfitsetSaved[9] = Outfitset9Saved int idx = GetPrevIndex(CurrentOutfitset) while ((outfitsetSaved[idx] == false || ExcludeFromRotation[idx] == true) && idx != CurrentOutfitset) idx = GetPrevIndex(idx) endWhile if (idx != CurrentOutfitset) EquipOutfitset(idx) endIf endIf endIf EndFunction int Function GetPrevIndex(int aiCurrentOutfitset) int idx = aiCurrentOutfitset - 1 if (idx < 0) idx = 9 endIf return idx EndFunction Function ReadMCMConfig(string asMCMsection = "") ; Main if (asMCMsection == "Main" || asMCMsection == "") IsModEnabled = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bModEnabled:Main") ShowNotification = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShowNotification:Main") ShowSavedInMenu = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShowSavedInMenu:Main") endIf ; Settings if (asMCMsection == "Settings" || asMCMsection == "") UnequipAllIsEnabled[0] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll1:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[1] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll2:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[2] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll3:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[3] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll4:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[4] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll5:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[5] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll6:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[6] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll7:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[7] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll8:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[8] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll9:Settings") UnequipAllIsEnabled[9] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bUnequipAll10:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[0] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation1:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[1] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation2:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[2] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation3:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[3] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation4:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[4] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation5:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[5] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation6:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[6] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation7:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[7] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation8:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[8] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation9:Settings") ExcludeFromRotation[9] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bExcludeFromRotation10:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[0] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory1:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[1] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory2:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[2] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory3:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[3] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory4:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[4] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory5:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[5] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory6:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[6] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory7:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[7] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory8:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[8] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory9:Settings") ShareFollowerInventory[9] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bShareFollowerInventory10:Settings") endIf ; Biped slots if (asMCMsection == "BipedSlots" || asMCMsection == "") BipedSlotIsEnabled[0] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot30:BipedSlots") ; Hair Top BipedSlotIsEnabled[1] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot31:BipedSlots") ; Hair Long BipedSlotIsEnabled[2] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot32:BipedSlots") ; FaceGen Head BipedSlotIsEnabled[3] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot33:BipedSlots") ; BODY BipedSlotIsEnabled[4] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot34:BipedSlots") ; L Hand BipedSlotIsEnabled[5] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot35:BipedSlots") ; R Hand BipedSlotIsEnabled[6] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot36:BipedSlots") ; [U] Torso BipedSlotIsEnabled[7] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot37:BipedSlots") ; [U] L Arm BipedSlotIsEnabled[8] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot38:BipedSlots") ; [U] R Arm BipedSlotIsEnabled[9] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot39:BipedSlots") ; [U] L Leg BipedSlotIsEnabled[10] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot40:BipedSlots") ; [U] R Leg BipedSlotIsEnabled[11] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot41:BipedSlots") ; [A] Torso BipedSlotIsEnabled[12] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot42:BipedSlots") ; [A] L Arm BipedSlotIsEnabled[13] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot43:BipedSlots") ; [A] R Arm BipedSlotIsEnabled[14] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot44:BipedSlots") ; [A] L Leg BipedSlotIsEnabled[15] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot45:BipedSlots") ; [A] R Leg BipedSlotIsEnabled[16] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot46:BipedSlots") ; Headband BipedSlotIsEnabled[17] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot47:BipedSlots") ; Eyes BipedSlotIsEnabled[18] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot48:BipedSlots") ; Beard BipedSlotIsEnabled[19] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot49:BipedSlots") ; Mouth BipedSlotIsEnabled[20] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot50:BipedSlots") ; Neck BipedSlotIsEnabled[21] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot51:BipedSlots") ; Ring BipedSlotIsEnabled[22] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot52:BipedSlots") ; Scalp BipedSlotIsEnabled[23] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot53:BipedSlots") ; Decapitation BipedSlotIsEnabled[24] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot54:BipedSlots") ; Unnamed BipedSlotIsEnabled[25] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot55:BipedSlots") ; Unnamed BipedSlotIsEnabled[26] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot56:BipedSlots") ; Unnamed BipedSlotIsEnabled[27] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot57:BipedSlots") ; Unnamed BipedSlotIsEnabled[28] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot58:BipedSlots") ; Unnamed BipedSlotIsEnabled[29] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot59:BipedSlots") ; Shield BipedSlotIsEnabled[30] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot60:BipedSlots") ; Pipboy BipedSlotIsEnabled[31] = MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bBipedSlot61:BipedSlots") ; FX bool bIgnoreWeapons = (MCM.GetModSettingBool("QuickOutfit", "bIgnoreWeapons:BipedSlots") == false) BipedSlotIsEnabled[32] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[33] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[34] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[35] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[36] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[37] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[38] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[39] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[40] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[41] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[42] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons BipedSlotIsEnabled[43] = bIgnoreWeapons ; Possibly Weapons endIf EndFunction ; Returns true if the actor is in Power Armor bool Function IsInPowerArmor() Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer() if playerRef.IsInPowerArmor() Debug.Notification(Game.GetGameSettingString("sPADisallowed")) return true else return false endIf endFunction Function SetOutfitsetFormList(int aiOFIndex, int aiBSIndex, Form item) if aiOFIndex == 0 OutfitsetFormList0[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 1 OutfitsetFormList1[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 2 OutfitsetFormList2[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 3 OutfitsetFormList3[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 4 OutfitsetFormList4[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 5 OutfitsetFormList5[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 6 OutfitsetFormList6[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 7 OutfitsetFormList7[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 8 OutfitsetFormList8[aiBSIndex] = item elseIf aiOFIndex == 9 OutfitsetFormList9[aiBSIndex] = item endIf EndFunction Form Function GetOutfitsetFormList(int aiOFIndex, int aiBSIndex) if aiOFIndex == 0 return OutfitsetFormList0[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 1 return OutfitsetFormList1[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 2 return OutfitsetFormList2[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 3 return OutfitsetFormList3[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 4 return OutfitsetFormList4[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 5 return OutfitsetFormList5[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 6 return OutfitsetFormList6[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 7 return OutfitsetFormList7[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 8 return OutfitsetFormList8[aiBSIndex] as Form elseIf aiOFIndex == 9 return OutfitsetFormList9[aiBSIndex] as Form endIf EndFunction Form Function GiveMeThatThing(Form akItem) Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer() ; First of all search Dogmeat Actor dogmeatRef = Followers.DogmeatCompanion.GetActorReference() if dogmeatRef && !dogmeatRef.IsInFaction(DisallowedCompanionFaction) && dogmeatRef.GetDistance(playerRef) <= 2500 if dogmeatRef.GetItemCount(akItem) > 0 dogmeatRef.RemoveItem(akItem, 1, true) playerRef.AddItem(akItem, 1, true) return akItem endIf endIf ; Loop through active companions, seeing who is nearby and search their inventory int i = 0 while (i < Followers.ActiveCompanions.GetCount()) Actor companionRef = Followers.ActiveCompanions.GetAt(i) as Actor if companionRef && !companionRef.IsInFaction(DisallowedCompanionFaction) && companionRef.GetDistance(playerRef) <= 2500 if companionRef.GetItemCount(akItem) > 0 companionRef.RemoveItem(akItem, 1, true) playerRef.AddItem(akItem, 1, true) return akItem endIf endIf i += 1 endWhile return NONE EndFunction Function TakeThisThing(Form akItem) Actor playerRef = Game.GetPlayer() if playerRef.GetItemCount(akItem) == 0 return endIf ; First of all find Dogmeat Actor dogmeatRef = Followers.DogmeatCompanion.GetActorReference() if dogmeatRef && !dogmeatRef.IsInFaction(DisallowedCompanionFaction) && dogmeatRef.GetDistance(playerRef) <= 2500 if (dogmeatRef.GetInventoryWeight() + akItem.GetWeight()) < dogmeatRef.GetValue(CarryWeight) if playerRef.GetItemCount(akItem) > 0 playerRef.RemoveItem(akItem, 1, true) dogmeatRef.AddItem(akItem, 1, true) return endif endIf endIf ; Loop through active companions, seeing who is nearby and give them the items int i = 0 while (i < Followers.ActiveCompanions.GetCount()) Actor companionRef = Followers.ActiveCompanions.GetAt(i) as Actor if companionRef && !companionRef.IsInFaction(DisallowedCompanionFaction) && companionRef.GetDistance(playerRef) <= 2500 if (companionRef.GetInventoryWeight() + akItem.GetWeight()) < companionRef.GetValue(CarryWeight) if playerRef.GetItemCount(akItem) > 0 playerRef.RemoveItem(akItem, 1, true) companionRef.AddItem(akItem, 1, true) return endIf endIf endIf i += 1 endWhile EndFunction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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