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Help with script to summon and release


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This is an example of a script use in a dremora companion mod...., I have tried creating a similar script with references to my npc... My npc currently resides in a dummy cell and has a moveto ref to allow it to be summoned from and to the dummy cell...

here is the example


scn aaDremRefSummon


Begin scripteffectstart

if DremRef.getDistance Player < 1500 && DremRef.isridinghorse == 0

DremRef.MoveTo DremoraMoveToRef

DremRef.addscriptpackage aaaDefaultStayAtCurrentLocation

elseif DremRef.isridinghorse == 0

DremRef.MoveTo player, 0, 256, 0

DremRef.addscriptpackage aaaaFollowMe




Now to state as far as i can see this is the only summon spell for the dremora companion...

It seems to work fine, I can summon my dremora at will and i can send it back using the same spell... the spell that uses this script.


However when I rewrite this script using references to my npc I get nothing...

I do not understand the check if the dremora is riding a horse.

The companion would not be riding on a horse while in the dummy cell.


In my script I will leave the check for isridinghorse out

In viewing this script I cannot grasp how the npc is summoned and stays with me until i use the spell again


but like i said it works for the dremora... How can I make it work with my npc?


Edit: one other thing, If I am load multiple plugins into the cs, so that i may use certain resources those plugins provide, will my mod work in game as long as those plugins are also active in game?

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I don't quite get the IsRidingHorse thing either. Maybe it would cause trouble if the Dremora was riding a horse?

DremoraMoveToRef is probably a "marker" persistent reference placed in the holding cell where the Dremora would go when dismissed. It's probably also worth noting that, while aaaDefaultStayAtCurrentLocation is a Vanilla AI Package, aaaaFollowMe was added by the mod.


To make an .esp use another .esp's data, you need to mess with the files somewhat (Tutorial). For something like this, you'd almost definitely be better off doing it from scratch, or copy-pasting that script over and changing it to work with your mod.

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I don't quite get the IsRidingHorse thing either. Maybe it would cause trouble if the Dremora was riding a horse?

DremoraMoveToRef is probably a "marker" persistent reference placed in the holding cell where the Dremora would go when dismissed. It's probably also worth noting that, while aaaDefaultStayAtCurrentLocation is a Vanilla AI Package, aaaaFollowMe was added by the mod.


To make an .esp use another .esp's data, you need to mess with the files somewhat (Tutorial). For something like this, you'd almost definitely be better off doing it from scratch, or copy-pasting that script over and changing it to work with your mod.


Thanks I'll take that advice,

I will work on this more and post when I have an update.


Edit: After 2 minutes of reading that tutorial which, for somereason i hadnt come across yet, I solved more than one of my problems. Thanks alot for pointing the way. :-) I will keep updated.

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Okay i know now why my mods didn't have heads, and why some of my summons were not working, I was fooled into thinking that by having all those mods loaded into cs that i could just use al the information from all those mods and implement them into my plugin through the CS :-)


I am a bit confused though

If I want to make new plugin based on the other plugins then i will need to make the 2 plugins that i need data from to .esm? or i need to make the new plugin.esm? I leaning more towards making the plugins i need data from as masters long enough to pull my info out of them and into my new plugin.


IF i am wrong let me know, for now I am going to get wirebash since it seems the best for this job.


The was the problem yep I have a fully functioning summon/release spell for my soon to be companions , who even has a mystic high elf head now O.O. lol thanks

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I always had trouble with De-Isolation, even with that tutorial, but you need to make the files you draw data from .esms.


I passed that already :-)


I have a working summon spell that calls her to me, I have two rings and an amulet which I would really like to break down into a one ring thing, to command her. She can summon an akatosh and follow me in it as long as i dont fly... defeating the purpose there :-)


It takes her about 5 minutes to get on the drake unless I make the drake no clip for a few seconds


I wonder is there anyway to make her instantly activate the drake?

also i need to get here to switch to run mode as soon as i do else she falls off the drake when i fly away from here,causing me another agonzing 5 minutes of watching her push the drake everywhere while trying to mount it. lol

Also, i am having trouble understanding how to create messages with multiple windows :-(

hence the reason i have two rings and an amulet.

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Keep in mind, Oblivion's AI isn't designed for moving along anything other than a (more-or-less) flat plane. It can't climb, jump, or fly without heavy scripting. Also, Akatosh Mount is only designed for the player. It checks if specifically the player is riding a horse (and the dragon is running) before checking their mouse position for flight, and uses only one flight plane to stop the dragon falling per dragon type. You'll likely need to create a heavily modified version of the script for it to work with an NPC, even if only when the player is also flying.
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Keep in mind, Oblivion's AI isn't designed for moving along anything other than a (more-or-less) flat plane. It can't climb, jump, or fly without heavy scripting. Also, Akatosh Mount is only designed for the player. It checks if specifically the player is riding a horse (and the dragon is running) before checking their mouse position for flight, and uses only one flight plane to stop the dragon falling per dragon type. You'll likely need to create a heavily modified version of the script for it to work with an NPC, even if only when the player is also flying.


and I was thinking that I was on the home stretch of this project . :-(

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