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Help with script to summon and release


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Does a message put in the "If player.IsRidingHorse 0" block play? Does baaaFollowMe have the "Use Horse" box checked?



Baaafollow me does not have a horse box checked, baaafollowmeonhorse does but this stubborn digital woman doesnt follow me while on the horse either she just sits there...


one bug at a time i guess


im not quite sure I understand what you mean with the message in the if block...


are you trying to say i probably need variables in it?

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It's a bugtesting method I like to use. Paste something like...

message "this works"

into a place where you're wondering if the script is running. If it doesn't play when the contents of that spot should run, something's wrong.


Do your AI Packages have any duration? If not, even with the Must Complete tag, I think they get overwritten next time the Actor picks a package. Speaking of which, do they have the Must Complete tag?

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well sometimes they do have the must complete tab and sometimes they dont :-) I am in the process of changing them to see if there is something wrong in the settings, I can tell you I have not messes with setting a duration maybe I should? I dunno


I did manage to fix the problem with her mounting and dismounting when I do excep now she immediately gets off the horse but I may have to mount and dismount multiple times before she gets on her horse. I need to learn more about how I can instantly make things happen with the frame rate?


as for the follow me while on horse I started recently working on its problem... I am not sure I can see why it would be a problem yet...


I have it set to run while I talk to her and choose the option to follow on horse. Yet I click it while we are on the horses and she just laughs at me and stay put... currently I do not see what is causing the problem


but working on this is teaching me a great deal :-) about how to trouble shoot and bug fix. I have a feeling I'll have alot more to learn when trying to work on getting my companion to fly with me :-)

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I am going to work on a command ring again... I think I know where I went wrong with the first attempt at one... again no variable. In my other thread I wrote a small script while learning more about messagebox function, and it has taught me a little about using the short variable to make things run the way they should run.


I am thinking that after she mounts the horse and i give her the follow on horse command that its causing a conflict between the two packages where she automatically switches to package baaaaRideHorse when I mount and then I tell her to switch to baaaaFollowme on horse she just sits there with her horse moving back and forth. I will test running a command ring script again this time with variables O.O. and see if i can get her to work with me that way.

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progress: Well I created the ring... and it works without bugs... she gets on her horse whn i command her to mount it... gets off when i command her to dismount... but she still doesnt follow me on it... and I have figured out the it has absolutely nothing to do with my baaafollowmeonhorse package. at least i think


when she is on the horse and i give her the command to follow me on horse she tries to

if i am close to her the horse doesnt move at all


when i start moving a way from her her horse starts walking in place...


it is trying to follow me but something is preventing it...


this would be new territory for me... what could be the problem?

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