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[LE] How to add & take away an item form a NPC?


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I would like my follower (also spouse) to equip a custom item whenever they have a meal ready for me. And, whenever the dialogue, "do you have a meal ready for me" is triggered. the item is removed form them/ unequipped, restarting the process until the end of time. Why? Because I think it would be cool to have a visual cue for when a meal is ready. I've also modded the meal to be more useful, so i use it a lot.


I only need help in modding the "RelationshipMarriageFIN" quest in getting a spouse to receive and equip an item. Then removing said item on the dialogue trigger. I have already done all the rest.


This seems like it should be simple (famous last words). I'm hoping to someone better acquainted in modding quests, this is no biggie.


Thanks for reading/ any help you can give,

the gay guy

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Hey, I can help you modding if you want but I can't see exactly what you want ?

so basically, whenever my spouse has a meal ready for me to take they'll ware an item (anything really I wouldn't think that would matter). They will ware this item forever, or until I use the dialogue option "Do you have a meal ready?" At that point the item will be unequipped until another meal is ready restarting the process. I hope this makes more since?


I'm not sure what you would need to see in order to help me out.

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