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[Dragonborn] Stuck on first quest


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Just after I visited the Greybeards foe the first time or killed the first dragon, cultists attacked me, I picked up their note and got the quest 'Dragonborn'. Even before reaching Solstheim I've finished The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.


I arrived to Solstheim, no crashes, just a random freeze. Talked to the people, and everyone said GO TO THE EARTH STONE, THERE'S SOMETHING THERE!

Alright, got to the Earth Stone, talked to the Neloth dude, clicked on the Earth Stone and... nothing, I can hear this guy voice, and unlike the others, quit this state. But the quest marker simply remains on the Stone and does not update, and Neloth doesn't have any dialouge either.

Also, the two objectives "Travel to Solstheim" and, "Investigate the Shrine" are both unmakred in the Journal, like I didn't complete them although I clearly did.


I've tried installing the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, but that doesn't seem to help.

Edited by r5r4y
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