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episdamagetype and condition "weapon"


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I'd like to modify the critical chance of enemies via perk, and I'd like to make a distinction between physical and energy damage. The way I did it for damage was by using "episdamagetype" dtphysical/dtenergy, but I was using the "damage type" conditions. But "damage type" is not present when trying to mod "mod enemy critical hit chance". Does the "episdamagetype" condition work if you are using it under "weapon" conditions instead of "damage type" ? I suppose it's not.


If not, what could be a simple condition to use to make a distinction between enrgy weapons and physical weapons for enemies critical hit chance?



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The simplest way is probably to use weapon keywords. Looks like there are a few that could serve the purpose, "WeaponTypeLaser [KYWD:00092A84]" sounds promising. If there isn't one that covers the specific set you like you can check multiple ones, or failing that put them in a form list and check if the weapon is in your custom formlist.

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