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England getting names somewhere else?


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I want to use custom names that get shuffeled on every new game so i can see the names i like.


I have heared that e.g. america get's 20% canadian names which would be bad cause i only want to have edit one nation and then set the nation probabilty to 100% by the tollboxkit on the nexussite. (So i save myself alot of work :smile: ).


As i like the english flag, is there any kinda "crossnaming" from other countries if you set the names to be taken 100% from england?


Also is there any list to see which lands also are 100% "of their own" in regard to their names?


Thank you very much :smile: Love this site!




Oh yeah if i am already here:

Is there any way to set the default armor look to sth else in any ini file? like armorset 2 and blue (17)?

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