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kilkreath "corrupted shade" form!


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so, i have always loved the new transformation mods i find on nexus and steam, but one of my favorite types of enemys are the corrupted shades from kilkreath ruins, during the dawnbreaker quest. maybe make it like a vampire lord or a werewolf, n the sense of having powers or unique spells while in that form. so we could still use weapons and shields but hit "favorites" and select powers or spells. maybe a rune that does the ebony mail effect, maybe "spectral form" where you dont take damage, maybe a passive like taking melee damage absorbs hp, another fun one would be that all damage and speed is increased by 25% at night, or when in shadows. a good equivalent to sprinting or flying from werewolfs and vampire lords could be " shadow form " where you turn into a black shadowy mist and move much quicker. maybe build it into the dawnbreaker quest? or a thread continuing from that quest. all sounds very fun and i know vampire lords would take a second favorite to a corrupted shade form for me!


here is a picture of these corrupted shades, http://es.elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Archivo:600px-SR-creature-Corrupted_Shade.jpg

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