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No morrowind files


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  • 7 months later...

Hmm, could you maybe do these steps for me and then use this program I am having you pint to taskbar to show me a screenshot of your the folders in the following of two possible directories?


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common


or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common if you have a 32-bit operating system.

I want you to:

  1. open the start menu.
  2. type in the search bar "Snipping Tool".
  3. Right click the executable named such if you have it and pin it to the taskbar or whatever, temporarily if you don't like it.

Now you have pinned a program I like better than using the Print Screen key to take pictures of things because you can choose then and there to save the file to desktop for instant use. So:


  1. Go to one of the aforemention directories where the steamapps\Common folder is located. THIS is where ALL your steam games are installed by default.
  2. If there is no Morrowind, to be sure everyone sees the same things as you and we are all on the same page, point to your Taskbar and click on your sparkly new Snipping Tool shortcut. The whole screen will turn bright white/grey with one small popup dialogue box opening. Your mouse cursor will turn into a white cross-like crosshair.
  3. Use the botom right half of the cursor to aim at the top left corner of your browser window with all your game folders, click, and then drag down to the bottom right corner of hte window, this is similar to drawing blue boxes on your desktop out of boredom.
  4. Now release the left mouse button, this will take a screenshot picture of the selected area that now shows in the dialogue box.
  5. From here click the fill dropdwon menu form the toolbar and click Save As like in Microsoft Word.
  6. Now save it on desktop or whatever, and upload it to this thread so that you might be able to help people help you. :) There are others who will know what to do with this information, but they will now know if your Steam is running off of a sort of cloud installation, or physical installation.
  7. God I love numberd and bulleted lists!!! :D
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