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changing follower's combat style


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I'm using Chloe from the temptress race mod. She's normally an archer but I want her to duel-wield. I consoled out her damn hunting bows, and she'll duel until she finds a bow on a corpse. Is there any way to convince her to stick with swords? Edited by xawn7
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Followers will default to a bow unless an enemy gets closer ot them. I don't know if it's possible to fix that behavior.. It's quite possible her default package is set to Thief.. You could try editing it to default to 1hand and see if that works.

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In the CK, each NPC has a default combat style, which determines their favored skills, etc. It sounds like she has the thief skillset, which means she favos one hand, bows, sneaking, and stamina.


By default she should use bows primarily and only swap to one handed weapons when it is necessary. For a good example of what you should look at, check out Raaya from Hearthfires. She is default dual wield warrior type.

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