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So which Daedric realm do you want to see next?



20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Daedric realm would you most like to see?

    • The Ashpit (Malacath's realm)
    • Coldharbour (Molag Bal's realm)
    • The Colored Rooms (Meridia's realm)
    • Hunting Grounds (Hircine's realm)
    • Moonshadow (Azura's realm)
    • Another one of Sanguine's realms (with more to explore)
    • Quagmire (Vaermina's realm)
    • Evergloam (Nocturnal's realm)

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So far (that I know of) these are all the planes of Oblivion we've seen:

  • TES IV: Oblivion: The Deadlands (Mehrunes Dagon's realm), Boethiah's realm, The Pits (Peryite's realm)
  • TES IV: Shivering Isles (DLC): Shivering Isles (Sheogorath's realm)
  • TES V: Skyrim: Misty Grove (one of Sanguine's realms, pretty, but nothing to explore)
  • TES V: Dawnguard (DLC): Soul Cairn
  • TES V: Dragonborn (DLC): Apocrypha (Hermaeus Mora's realm)

Which other realms do you want to see? Personally I'd like to see Moonshadow, Azura's realm. I'm sure Bethesda could find a way to justify the player character not going blind like most mortals.

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Hunting Ground, Realm of Hircine.


Theres Strong indications in Skyrim about Werewolves and People being Trapped in the Realm of Hircine, just like the fact that theres Strong Indicatons that the Aldmeri War will be the Next DLC and quite Possibly the Mystery being Solved involving the Disppearence of the Dwarves.



Edited by daventry
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It depends on what we get to do there. I think I'm with daventry, though. Kodlak mentioned mustering a rescue expedition in Sovngarde to bail out the former Harbingers stuck in Hircine's realm, and it might be fun to get called in on that and do a little dirt to a Daedric Prince for a change.

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Personally, Apocrypha has always been my most desired Daedric Realm of Oblivion to explore (thank you Beth!!!). I've always found Herma Mora (ancient name) to be the most fascinating daedra in TES lore, so now that we were able to visit the realm, I'm rather satisfied. I of course have no doubt that we'll be seeing more in either DLC for Skyrim, or future iterations of TES. I would much rather Bethesda's next DLC wrap up the dealings with the Aldmeri Dominion and taking the fight to them over in Hammerfell. We've never had an entire province as DLC, and considering each province takes years to craft, I highly doubt we'll be seeing ALL of the Hammerfell province if we even get to go there in the next DLC. In all honestly, Dragonborn does rather well of wrapping up the adventures of the Dovahkiin, so I wouldn't be to disappointed if they stopped here and instead went on to make another Fallout game or if not, another TES game that could expand upon the events after Skyrim; however, we do still have the issue with Skyrim not having a High King, the resistance still going on in Hammerfell against the Dominion and we also have a slight conundrum with lore; the Civil War. When playing throughout this major quest-line, we can pick two sides: The Empire or the Stormcloak Rebellion. One and only ONE of these will be recorded as actual lore. We still have yet to find out which of these will be considered the reality of what the civil war amounts to, and in my opinion they both branch out in two very different directions for Skyrim. Bethesda has some interesting lore-weaving to be doing, that's for sure.

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