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REQ: Can Someone Fix Hellfire PA's Butt Plate Please?


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LINK TO OLDER THREAD: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8749178-cc-hellfire-bodytorso-fix/


The Hellfire PA's butt plate is supposed to be attached to the rear like all the other PA's have, but the Hellfire's stays stuck to the backpiece so it remains elevated and stiff. Can someone please fix this? I've tried to do it myself in Outfit Studio but to no avail. :sad:


It should look something like this, normally it is missing the Pelvis_Armor bone which is what the butt plate attaches to.




Normally as of right now, it appears like this, missing the Pelvis_Armor bone and the butt plate is wrongfully attached to the back armor.




I've tried very hard to fix it (top picture) in order to get it to work but this is what my work yields:




If someone could please help, or make this mod themselves then I'd be eternally grateful and so would those who love using the armor.

Edited by HelmoChipChop
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