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The Innocent Troll

Marcus Wolfe

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i am disappointed with you marcus for making a insult to another persons drawings..she is trying her hardest and paint is a really hard to do images in...


its his or her choice to do what he or she wants...ninjabombs or not...

yours comments from that site show a lot of immaturity and rudeness i never would have expected from you...


(i can say ninja bombs is a sign of immaturity but still..)



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Ditto what Dunc said.


i can't see how comments like

No. Quit spamming theOtaku with your crappy sonicfagworks.

even classes as 'Negative feedback'

Its just unjustified trolling.

Gods, what gives you the right to say that work is "crappy sonicfagworks"?

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Critisism is fine, just try not to insult people. Then you get kicked out of places. Even if you're really really irritated about something don't resort to it. On the Debate section here, I strongly disagreed with someone elses views (they were pretty evil) but you have to learn to put up with it. Especially as some people take things too seriously/are childish/can't take any critisism point blank.
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this topic is just gunna get you into trouble as well as others


i will report this post in ask for a moderator


@Wasder comments like the ones marcus place IS NOT Contrutive Criticism not by a long shot.

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Moderator Note:


We do no allow bringing trouble from another site/forum here.


Marcus you know better, do this again and you will get a strike or worse.




>edited and lockied<

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