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SetStage MQ failfailfailfailfailfailfail


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Pretty fed up.

Started when Delphine wouldn't provide me with further dialogue optionsafter killing that dragon Alduin resurrected.

Found fix SetStage MQ106 x, but it did nothing. I tried them all.

Another fix I found said to SetStage MQ201 x. It did not complete MQ106, but it did start something.

It was supposed to start Diplomatic Immunity, but it doesn't. It's not a fix, it's a f*&@-up.

What I need is a better fix. A fix for what wasn't fixed, and a fix for what was made worse.

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Damn! Not so good then. As you have a save before the problem occurred, make sure it's a proper save and not a quicksave and exit to desktop then close Steam. Shut your machine down and turn it off for 20 seconds or so (ie no power) reboot, go back into Skyrim and load a proper save from before killing the dragon(or, ideally, an earlier stage in the quest if you can) and try it again. Make sure that you don't load any of the saves from after you know the problem occurred. If you're lucky, that should sort it out.

Edited by NemesisTheWarlock
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To be honest, it sounds like it's corrupted, the only thing I can think of and I don't hold out much hope, is to try verifying your game cache on the off chance that it'll fix the corrupted file. I'm guessing by the fact that no one else has chimed in that no one else has any other ideas either :(

You could try resetting the whole quest via the console and advance it through the appropriate stages one at a time, but that may not work either as the quest seems to have been broken by something.

Edited by NemesisTheWarlock
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