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Help with companion please


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I summon my companion from the underworld and she follows me everywhere I go , she has no dialog yet :-) I'll work on that its her quiet time right now though. problem is she is too quiet , I don't have the foggiest idea why the script isnt working, But I cannot activate her to bring up the messagebox with her commands here is the script




scn baRaewynFriendScript


ref me

short follow

short find

short sneak

short fighters

short mages

short DB

short join

short Command

short blades

short button


Begin OnLoad

me.setignorefriendlyhits 1

me.setav speed 100

if me.getdisposition player < 100

me.moddisposition player 100



if getincellparam AnvilFightersGuild me == 1 || getincellparam ChorrolFightersGuild me == 1 || getincellparam BrumaFightersGuild me == 1

if me.getinfaction fightersguild == 0 && player.getinfaction fightersguild == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Fighters Guild. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set fighters to 1

set join to 1




if getincellparam CheydinhalFightersGuild me == 1 || getincellparam BravilFightersGuild me == 1 || getincellparam LeyawiinFightersGuild me == 1

if me.getinfaction fightersguild == 0 && player.getinfaction fightersguild == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Fighters Guild. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set FIGHTERS to 1

set join to 1




if getincellparam AnvilMagesGuild me == 1 || getincellparam ChorrolMagesGuild me == 1 || getincellparam BrumaMagesGuild me == 1

if me.getinfaction magesguild == 0 && player.getinfaction magesguild == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Mages Guild. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set mages to 1

set join to 1




if getincellparam CheydinhalMagesGuild me == 1 || getincellparam BravilMagesGuild me == 1 || getincellparam LeyawiinMagesGuild me == 1

if me.getinfaction magesguild == 0 && player.getinfaction magesguild == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Mages Guild. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set mages to 1

set join to 1




if getincellparam CloudRulerTemple me == 1

if me.getinfaction Blades == 0 && player.getinfaction Blades == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Blades Faction. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set blades to 1

set join to 1




if getincellparam CheydinhalSanctuary me == 1

if me.getinfaction DarkBrotherhood == 0 && player.getinfaction DarkBrotherhood == 1

MessageBox "Raewyn is not a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Would you like to admit her for 50 gold?" "Yes" "No"

set DB to 1

set join to 1









Begin OnActivate


If isactionref player == 1 && Player.issneaking == 0

MessageBox " What is your command? " "Follow" "Wait" "Unequip Items" "Pickup Armor and Weapons" "Equip Items" "Mount Horse" "Dismount Horse" "Summon/Dismiss Chest" "Summon/Dismiss Horse" "Access Inventory"

Elseif isactionref player == 1 && Player.issneaking == 1





Begin GameMode


set me to getself


sms effectSummonMythicDawn


if join == 1

set button to getbuttonpressed



if join == 1

if fighters == 1

if button == 0

If player.getitemcount gold001 >= 50

me.setfactionrank fightersguild 0

set fighters to 0

player.removeitem gold001 50

set join to 0

elseif Player.getitemcount gold001 < 50

Messagebox "You can't afford to add Raewyn at this time."






if join == 1

if mages == 1

if button == 0

If player.getitemcount gold001 >= 50

me.setfactionrank magesguild 0

set mages to 0

player.removeitem gold001 50

set join to 0

elseif Player.getitemcount gold001 < 50

Messagebox "You can't afford to add Raewyn at this time."






if join == 1

if DB == 1

if button == 0

If player.getitemcount gold001 >= 50

me.setfactionrank darkbrotherhood 0

set DB to 0

player.removeitem gold001 50

set join to 0

elseif Player.getitemcount gold001 < 50

Messagebox "You can't afford to add Raewyn at this time."






if join == 1

if blades == 1

if button == 0

If player.getitemcount gold001 >= 50

me.setfactionrank blades 0

set blades to 0

player.removeitem gold001 50

set join to 0

elseif Player.getitemcount gold001 < 50

Messagebox "You can't afford to add Raewyn at this time."






if join == 1

if button== 1

set join to 0

set DB to 0

set fighters to 0

set mages to 0

set blades to 0





if sneak == 0

if player.issneaking == 1

me.setforcesneak 1

set sneak to 1




if sneak == 1

if player.issneaking == 0

me.setforcesneak 0

set sneak to 0




if me.getcrimegold > 0

me.setcrimegold 0



Set Command to GetButtonPressed


if follow == 1

if me.isridinghorse == 1

me.addscriptpackage aaaaFollowMe

set follow to 0




if join == 0

If command == 0

me.addscriptpackage aaaaFollowMe



elseIf command == 1

me.addscriptpackage aaaDefaultStayAtCurrentLocation


elseIf command == 2 && me.isridinghorse == 0

me.removeallitems RaeChestRef


elseIf command == 3 && me.isridinghorse == 0

me.addscriptpackage aaaaAddItems



elseIf command == 4 && me.isridinghorse == 0

me.MoveTo RaeMoveToRef

me.MoveTo Player


elseIf command == 5

me.addscriptpackage aaaaRideHorse

set follow to 1



elseIf command == 6



elseIf command == 7

me.cast baSummonRaeChest me



elseIf command == 8 && me.isridinghorse == 0

me.cast badrakerefsummon me



elseIf command == 9 && me.isridinghorse == 0

RaeInventoryRef.Activate Player





if find == 0

if getstage aaDremComp == 80 && me.getincell BARaewynDummyCell == 0


set find to 1






Begin MenuMode 1008


InventoryRef.RemoveAllItems RaeRef 1




Can someone look through and give me an possible reason why my message box isn't coming up when i click my companion?


I have tried everything I can think of to get it to work, but im just a noob.


In the meantime I do have an equippable ring that works really well in commanding her so I can still make her do everything i need her to do . only its aggravating me as to why this script isnt working.


Help please :-)

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I can't really think why activating it wouldn't work... Have you done any bugtesting? If you put a message at the beginning of the OnActivate block, does it play? If you put it right before the messagebox, does it play?


I have not tried that yet, been preoccupied. I wonder though if maybe wll the faction stuff set before the message box command has anything to do with it.


While I am thinking about it I think maybe the isactionref player == 1 might have a role to play in it....


just tried it with this script here...


scn testdummy


short button


Begin Onactivate


Messagebox " Can you activate me?" "yes" "no"




begin gamemode

set button to get button pressed


if button == 0

Raeinventoryref.activate player

elseif button == 1

Message" goodbye"





worked fine ....

I think its the isactionref function will test more into that.



I am stumped then, I just tried it again with changing the script to


"if isactionref player == 1

MessageBox "samething as above example"

elseif isactionref player == 0"


and it worked fine

I then changed it to

" if is actionref player == 1

messagebox "mymessage"

elseif isactionref player == 1"


and it still worked fine...


I will try to rewrite the original and sort of rearrange it and see if It plays fine after.

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well, I am done with this one I am canning it, going to uninstall alot of mods and start from scratch. Create my own companion using my own scripts and my own ai packages and what not... This script here is so screwy I have no idea whats going on with it.

I got the script to work except for the spells part / On button 7 and 8 its supposed to cast the spell to retrieve its chest or its horse but it doesnt do anything. although on the ring it does.


I'll take what I learned from it and build my own.

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