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Camera Mod requests.


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Hi folks.


Ok, I was just wondering, is there maybe a way to make certain camera animations First Person? Like mounting a horse, I want to see my arms reach up, and lift my fat nord ass onto the poor things back, or mounting Odaviing towards the end game quest.


As well for Knockdown (in cases of a horse dying, or being hit by a dragrs Fus Roh Dah) I want to be able to see dirt, just dirt, you know make it more First person? Maybe show the hands pushing on the ground and pulling the sword back out?


Basically, what I'm saying is that in real life, if you fell, god wouldn't just pause it and let you see it in 3rd person.


On a side note, perhaps a chance of dropping your weapon when knocked over? (depending on the cause, ex fall of now dead horse, got hit by Fusrodah, got paralyzed...)


If I can help at all let me know.


Obviously, Anyone willing to help will be given credit where its due, and I will endorse, and everything. (I'm one of those guys who likes the whole Call of Duty FPS kind of view)

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The Joy of Perspective is about as close as you're going to get, I think. From what I've read, a lot of the forced 3rd person stuff (knockdowns, horse riding, etc.) are designed in such a way that you can't make a 1st person version.


Lord only knows why Bethesda designed things that way, but I hope they scrap it. There are games out there that do 3rd person well. TES isn't one of them.

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