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Restoration Spells Rethemed/Recolored


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Almost every character in Skyrim will use restoration magic. However, there is only one visual theme to restoration spells: holy light glow. Many character themes clash directly or indirectly with these visuals. To only name a few there are druidic, undead, daedric, and pure warrior types. Many Skyrim players roleplay, and may also find the image of a vile necromancer glowing like a paladin to somewhat break character, like I do. So I think there's a solid niche for a mod that would change these visuals. Here are my suggestions:

4+ visual themes that would change the coloring of restoration spells from the yellow-pale visuals to a different color, and maybe add new particle effects.

Druidic Theme: Green coloration with leaves or seed particles floating around the casters hands.

Dark Theme: Dark purple or blue coloration

Daedric Theme: Fire and purple coloration

Blood Theme: Crimson coloration with blood droplet particles

There are two possible ways to go about this, to my knowledge of modding. One would be to make the new effects from scratch by shifting the hues of restoration effects. The other, simpler method would be the replace the visuals of restoration spells with the visuals of another school of magic. For example:


Dark theme: necromantic spells

Daedric theme: conjuration with fire overlayed

Blood: bleed effects from limbsplitter and melee damage "splotches" shifting over the hands


I know that spell effect mods and retextures are different from equipment retextures (the vast majority of nexus mods). Is there anyone who works with spell effects who could comment on the methods of making this suggestion into a mod?



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