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Help with shadows on people by fireplace


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I'm having some problems with the shadows on two characters in my home in Whiterun. The fire place in the main room is now causing strange artifacts on the two NPCs I have in there (child and Lydia).


I have no light mods installed, however, I have messed with Skyrim Configurator some. Can someone tell me what to adjust without having to do a full reset of the whole Skyrim preferences and ini files?


Skyrim Configurator Shadow Tabs














This mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27418 "Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix" solved the issue.


Many thanks to all the posters.

Edited by metasparks
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you might need to lower shadow resolution OR adjust the shadow quarter because it seems the light mapping is kinda off. I maybe wrong, but those are my educated guesses. I have been working with game development for a few years and I NEVER seen that happen with anything.

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I think this is caused by some kind of strange bug in the game. I had this sort of problem before, just install one of the shadow striping fixes here on the Nexus, and it should be fixed.

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