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one last check on critter errors


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since nobody has a solution for this error - nor have i been able to get an uninstall procedure for the only insect mod I have on my mod list - I was considering reinstalling - papyrus logs will grow bigger the longer i run a single session of skyrim the larger the papyrus log gets, it repeats this error and others associated with insects non stop. One or two is ok - but 25mb error logs is stupid


NOTE: the only mod i am using affecting insects is 83willows 101 HD bugs mod - which will not be included on the next install just to see if the damn critter.psc errors go away.



2/23/2013 - 01:02:55AM] Error: Cannot check if the reference has a named node because it has no 3D
[ (FF002CFF)].ObjectReference.HasNode() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF00148C)].critterMoth.GoToNewPlant() - "critterMoth.psc" Line 272
[ (FF00148C)].critterMoth.OnUpdate() - "critterMoth.psc" Line 138



seems like I am always having to reinstall because of bugs - >.<


and this time it really is about bugs!

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yeah - that's awesome. I hope it is something that can be fixed in a current game and not require us who are getting it to reload. I have read quite a bit on other forums and found that it is a PEX file that is located in the skyrim misc - bsa


the psc file comes with the creation kit download..


thanks for your reply gruft

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it's a vanilla bug. someone recently found an error in this script. chances are it going public, maybe even inside the next uskp. keep fingers crossed

while the above error looks cleaned up from the patch there is one more critter failing on it's 3d stack for me that actually gets stuck in an endless loop


*********** Start papyrus ************************************

[03/03/2013 - 04:24:33PM] Error: Unable to call Is3DLoaded - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


[None].Firefly.Is3DLoaded() - "<native>" Line ?

[None].Firefly.OnStart() - "FireFly.psc" Line 68

[None].Firefly.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 270

[03/03/2013 - 04:24:33PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp4"


[None].Firefly.OnStart() - "FireFly.psc" Line 68

[None].Firefly.OnUpdate() - "Critter.psc" Line 270


************************ End Papyrus **********************



before the patch: I would see this 20 times per second every second while exploring exterior cells. The error also occurs through load doors.. so it becomes embeded into my save. Only resort is to loading a previous game without the error.


after the patch: 4-7 times the error followed by the warning occurs every second once present while roaming open world..

Edited by jasmerd
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