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Laser Beam and Light attached to Power Helmet?


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It would be cool, however, if someone could make a mod that changes the 'tab' key to turn on the spot light (similar to the HEV suit's flashlight in Half Life) and then, when night vision is on, deactivate it in favor of the IR illuminator. Basically, the spot would illuminate a relatively narrow field of view, say 30º-45º, while reaching a lot farther than the pip light (like the low beam on your car) but also gives away your position that much farther.


Gd thinking about the tab idea :O. What do u mean about the rest though mate?

I didn't kinda understand what ya meant :(


Like lostami said, an infrared illuminator is not visible to the human eye. Basically, if you were wandering the wastes in the dark with night vision activated and came across an Outcast patrol you would see bright lights shining from their helmet-mounted illuminators (and they would see your's too!), but if you were to turn night vision off all you would see is darkness.


If the illuminator boosted the night vision's effectiveness it could also add new strategy to sneaking around at night: you could turn it on to see farther away, but risk being detected by PA users. In my opinion, the spot light would really just be a gimmick, or a backup, as troops today never use flashlights when they have night vision and IR illuminators (Maybe script the night vision to fail if the head is crippled?).

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Good thinking guys, its not sneaking im worried about like its just about realism and Eye Candy for the Helmet.

Just to be able to find a way maybe to switch the light on and off again with the Tab idea that was mentioned and that smaller light hole thing near the middle left of the helmet recolored to red and the bigger light next to it as an Optional Colour such as Blue or Green or Something.

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Like lostami said, an infrared illuminator is not visible to the human eye.


An interesting fact that my family and I descovered, cats can see infrared lights. We put a night vision camera in the room with my cat and her newborn kittens and she would look right at the camera...


ok a little off topic perhaps but this topic reminded me about that little descovery ;D


... I'll be quiet now...

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Humans can see IR, too, but only barely. Congo Blue lighting gels for theater lights block out all but IR and some blue/UV; stack a few sheets up, hold them in front of your eyes until they adjust and you will see what little IR and UV your eyes can pick up.


Anyways, I'm all in favor of eyecandy, functional or not, and I think this would go really well with the proposed Power Helmet Interface mod...

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They tend to look a lot like ordinary lights, except they're usually LEDs (incandescents have too broad of an emmision spectrum, and thus waste a lot of power when filtered for just IR) and they tend to have IR filters on the lenses that appear black or dark red to the naked eye.


http://www.uvel.com/slideshow/Infrared%20Illuminator.JPG http://www.nightvisiongear.co.uk/webpics/X-IR3.jpg


Actually, if you want to see one in person, take a look at your TV remote, they all use infrared signals to control your TV.

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Exactly. If you push buttons while looking at that light on the remote, you won't see anything. If, however, you point a camcorder (a cellphone cam might work, too) at it and look through the display while pushing buttons, you'll see a strobing light (usually white).


Anyways, does anyone know how to place lights on objects in the GECK (or NIFscope, is it?) so we can get this mod rolling?

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