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Launcher Keeps crashing! Please HELP!


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Herro everyone!


I've gotten myself a bit of a issue. After downloading an AMAZING ENB (Project ENB) I can't get Skyrim to launch from the Steam (Launcher crashes) or from the launcher inside the Skyrim folder (Same crash)

However, I can still get it open if I launch using the SKSE launcher (as long as I am logged into Steam.. if not it gives same crash)


I DID NOT have this issue before I downloaded the ENB *Not blaming it.. probably my fault* (I am new to modding, I use the NMM for everything else) Its not too big of an Issue, I just need to get into the launcher to turn down my AA and get rid of some dumb black lines around fire effects...


However I can also see this causing issues in the future...


Any ideas out there? Anyone? Also, since I'm on the topic of ENB... any way to get the Steam Overlay to work with them???? or is it just this one I cant get it to work with? (I havent tried any more... Project ENB was recommended to me from a friend)


Thanks for helping a noobie mod user in distress!






was the Mumble overlay causing issues.

Edited by ugaskipper
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You should probably move this to "Skyrim Technical Support" just fyi

Launcher crashes are usually caused by a missing .esm file, I don't know if the SkSE launcher gets round that issue or not, but it's possible. Posting your load order might help people see what your problem is being caused by.

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