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Lighting issue in outdoors worldspace


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I am aware that lights have various distance values (what is "falloff" anyway?). There is also a "light fade out" setting in each lighting template. Neither seem to affect the fact that lights are invisible until you approach them, and then only start flickering when you are almost on top of them.


This ruins the effect I'm going for, with a spooky lighthouse in the distance that casts light on the terrain. The light is invisible from any sort of distance.


Other than these two parameters, is there anything else I can change to make lights not fade out at a distance or at least at a much bigger distance?

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In your Skyrim.ini you will see 'fFlickeringLightDistance=8192.0' under the display tab. That value is dependent on your rig but works well for me. Values can be 1024, 2048, 4096, or 8192. A really easy way to adjust your lighting fade and specular fade settings is to download the Skyrim Configurator and go to the lighting tab.


This little gem is a favorite and eliminates the need for any mods that do this or tinkering with your .ini files.

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Thanks, that solves the flicker issue! As for the other...



I am not sure if it is your problem but I know that no object can have more than 2 lights on them so let say that one of your area is being affected by two different lights, one of them might not show.



TWO lights? Wasn't it four?


Well the sun/moon is one light so... one other light in outdoors areas? Just one puny light?

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Thanks, that solves the flicker issue! As for the other...




I am not sure if it is your problem but I know that no object can have more than 2 lights on them so let say that one of your area is being affected by two different lights, one of them might not show.



TWO lights? Wasn't it four?


Well the sun/moon is one light so... one other light in outdoors areas? Just one puny light?

Yeah I am pretty sure that is what I was reading because I am having the same issue as you in my mod, so I tried to get the light radiuses smaller a bit, it helped to some extend.

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