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No Changes to Main File Directory of FN:V


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I have no idea.

That's why I'm on this forum page right now, refreshing the page once every 3-odd minutes for the past 2 hours as I'm doing other stuff.
If there is anything more you can advise, or even get someone else to help that'd be great. But I've just had a harsh week and I just wanna be alone and play a game a mate recommended with x, y and z mods.

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Hello Again!

I just deleted all remnants of Fallout or Vortex from My E: Drive. Including the %Appdata% of Vortex and my Save Files and decided to try to install it all on my C: Drive (although I tried it on my D: Drive) IN THE EXACT SAME WAY AS I DID ON MY OTHER DRIVES.
It has suddenly worked. From the get-go I was a bit sus of how it handled recognizing a discrepancy of hard drives from Vortex Mod Folder to Main Directory Folder and how it handled that issue but this has evidently shown me the issue.
Could be an issue of Vortex running on another Hard Drive other than C: Drive, or just some Windows Compatibility Issue.
I have seen issues very similar to mine in "Gopher's Beginner Guide" comments. Sorry if I sound like an asshole here, but I'm really just trying to help the few people who have my issue and the devs and people who put effort into mods and Vortex.

Guess it'd just be on my C: Drive from now on.

Thank you HadToRegister for the honesty and help!

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