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Telepathic Perk Line


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This post is primarily to see if these perk additions are even possible...


I've worked these over in my head pretty well but I don't have the knowledge to implement them in the game but I did come up with a rough estimate of how I would implement them if I could.


telekenesis in fallout 3 (ala sylar)


optionally, each effect can be modified (localized/generalized) depending on if vats is active.


lvl 1: push/disarm

implementation: an invisible projectile that does no direct damage but knocks the target back.

if a weapon is targeted, knocks the weapon out of their hand (vats only but increased percentage to hit if possible).

success determines knockback distance. Max 50 feet. Damage can be delt by impeeding stationary objects (50-distance to object)(push a target into an object 3 feet behind it with maximum success and deal 47 damage)


lvl 2: hold/dismember

initially checks to see if the target is conscious or stunned. if it is conscious, it drops its current weapon a grabs for its throat as though choaking. if the target is not conscious or stunned, it simply is suspended upright but limp.

dismember accomplished by an invisible blade that does no direct damage but cripples or mangles the selected limb. critical success tears the limb off.

if the target is not brought up in vats, then (speculation on my part due to not knowing exactly how the engine deals damage with melee-type weapons) general damage maping would apply and the player would not choose what limb(s) are affected.

if the target successfully rolls using his perception and endurance, it won't blackout immediately. depending on successes rolled, the crippled/mangled limb will begin to bleed-out at a rate of x hp/sec/limb. player will roll successes per limb affected.


optional additional function would be to combine the hold and push abilities to increase the distance that the target is thrown, thus increasing the damage potential.


mind control in fallout 3 (ala legato from trigun)

this would have to be a super high level perk as it could prove very powerful.

I don't know if using some of the functioning of the mezzmetron would help in the creation of this perk...


with success, player is made completely invisible (or temporarily omni-factioned) and temporarily invlunerable for the duration of the control.

the target being taken control of is made a pawn of the player and retains all stats including faction. player can then choose what to do with the target... ie converse with other npcs, attack other npcs, walk off of a high point to its death... whatever the player decides.

a special ammunition would have to be created that could control the maximum length of time that the player could control the target in a similar fashion to the deathclaw control mod i have seen. i'd recommend it have a charging effect as i imagine it would be something that is given when the perk is received.

after the effect has worn off, the target would have to attempt to return to its previous task.



If anyone wants to take this on, it is available to all...

I don't know exactly how much work this would take to implement.


As for the lore part of this and making the abilities fit into the fallout world, I think the build-up for these abilities would probably lead somewhere in the direction of a mutation in the brain.



Thanks for your consideration.

All comments are welcome.



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