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fallout: what to other parts of the world


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I have a question is there any fanfiction or stories that talk about what happen in other places in fallout (i.e. Canada, Europe,)?


edit sorry for for bad spelling on the topic title)

Edited by zezia333
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You'll never see this in Fallout Lore, and rarely in any mod. The simple fact of the matter is that Fallout is art, but not by design. Fallout is designed to be a comic book: cheap, absurd, pulp, crap. Though Fallout's basic premise, the 50's retrokitch, World War, madness and paranoia can be dwelt with internationally, the people who make Fallout lack the imagination and tact to pull it off with any sense of realism. If you've ever done the tlc, and seen how staged the Wasteland in Fallout 3 actually looks when viewed from angles we were never meant to see, it becomes sad.


And this applies to the franchise as a whole: Fallout makes sense from a mainland American perspective. But say you had the Tale Spin/ Golden Monkey retro awesome applied to Pacific Rim. It immediately falls apart, because the 50s kitch that defines Fallout doesn't make sense for Asia. 2077 Asia outside Japan cannot possibly analogue to Asia in the 1950s. Implicit in Lore, despite all claims to the contrary, is the rise of China as a modern economic and military power. Given what Cheng was able to do, and any Maoist development, where China would develop in their own way means that China pre war would look closer to Dues Ex and our modern China than Fallout's America looks like ours. Simply put, nobody accept the Americans liked the 50s or remembers them fondly. Europe was divided and doing decolonization, the Japanese were rebuilding, the Chinese were poor and borderline starving and being purged by Mao, and culturally speaking, the Soviet Union's best years were already behind them. No one but the US would either want to go back nor remain in the 50s. Hell, Fallout's prewar world was being dragged in to the late 60s when the bombs fell, something the Enclave's cutlural propaganda tried to hide at all times. War riots and hippies and war exhaustion and economic exhaustion are things that herald the beginning of the 70s.


Then imagine the fail of Fallout's mutant ridden dead world in the former jungle/swampland of Papua New Guinea, or the Amazon, or Scandinavia. And then I will add we've already seen this fail in the Enclave. It's one thing to take shelter on the oil rig: it's another to stay on the rig and not occupy/recolonize the Hawaiian Islands, most of whom are uninhabited, and not explody and prime for Geck use if you go with the Dead World concept. At the very least, scavenge worker robots from Honolulu and use power armor troops to build new bunker systems in Hawaii for Lebensraum. Hell they were planning to that in Dr. Stangelove with expanding the mineshafts for lebensraum. I can;'t believe the Enclave would build Hidden Valley in Vegas and not have a SERIOUS facility on Wake Island, maybe Midway too. This doesn't touch on the Enclave sensibly wanting as much of the US Fleet and merchant marine to rally to it on October 25, 2077 because even if the sailors are not the 'right people' having those boats increases power projection and hinders anyone from having them to say reach the rig and blow it up and escape on a rusty Poseidon Tanker. Its not that that Fallout 2 was an ass pull there, but it was in terms of the entire Enclave sitting on the rig for 160 years in one dungeon when the entire Central Pacific is their oyster.

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But was it? The entire Central Pacific, that is.


Military installations in the Hawaiian Islands (and Wake, and Midway) would have been priority targets during The War - if only because those places would have been valuable for retaliatory strikes against China. Personally, I think they would have been amongst the FIRST US locales to go. They were comparitively small areas that were rich in military targets, so probably not a lot was left of them afterwards.


But I agree fully that the Enclave sitting on their collective @$$e$ for 160-odd years makes no sense. Unless there were other factors - somebody else impeding their expansion plans, perhaps?

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Hawaii is all they need. Even a couple of Gecks stowed on the rig could turn the chain back into a paradise, even if either Cheng or the Encalve glassed Honolulu. From there, a population recovery. 160 years with cloning facilities, with those birthing tubes. 10,000 Enclavers with the population doubling every 50 years like the 19th century UK would be 105,809 people, about parity to 2242 NCR. For the global all time average high, which was 2.2% per year in 1963 nets you 1,312,629. Given their technology and medical excellence, this is more than doable. And given their desire to repopulate and reconquer the mainland, a forced breeding program to break the population pool out of the demographic transition is a given.


No one can reach the Hawaiian Islands without advanced shipbuilding, except in small rafts the Polynesians did. And then they meet Mark I Advanced Power Armor and die. Easy peasy. Hell, if I weren't terrified of copyright, I'd write a novel about the Enclave's rebuilding of Hawaii.

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Good points.


We don't know a thing about Hawaii's fate or status in the FO-Verse. But, given the known state of the Enclave, it could be inferred that, if this was ever attempted, then "something" happened. Maybe a split in the organization, maybe a disaster of some kind, maybe enemy action (those darn Aliens, perhaps?).

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It seems to me that the Enclave works fine, it works great! As long as it never encounters outgroups. The Enclave is so xenophobic, so fundamentally insecure, that the notion other people exist turns them into paranoid dick-swaggering morons. Isolation would be best for them.


My guess for something wrong (which disregards the spirit of canon naturally ): the seas were/are full of lilly pad ships built by reclusive tycoons just as paranoid and crazy prepared as Robert House. The Enclave used the Hawaiian Islands as a nuclear tipped fire base to destroy any that came in range. One had salvaged MIRV. Back to the Oil Rig then....

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