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Far Cry

Attachment Requirements?


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Do I need to make new meshes if I have a gun modded to use 2 attachments instead of one? Like can you have a shotgun that could only have one attachment have more, without having the game crash because it can't find the model of that paricular attachment combination?

attachments are differ per class: silencers/muzzle breaks/pointers - are barrel class, magazine enlarge/ammo type - are mag class, acog/optical/reddot/holo sight are scope class. You are free to use 3 attachments from the different classes at the same time, eg silencer+FMJ ammo+reddot. But you are unable to use 2 attachmets from the same class at the same time

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Ok, so say for the 1887 shotgun, in the vanilla it can only have one attachment. But if I allow it to have more than one attachment, it won't crash. Because in my experience, say for S.T.A.L.E.R., a couple guns can't have attachments because they don't have the model and mesh.


The thing is that I thought that you had to have a new mesh for each attachment on the gun - a new model with a suppressor, another new model with a reflex sight, and another one with both.

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Ok, so say for the 1887 shotgun, in the vanilla it can only have one attachment. But if I allow it to have more than one attachment, it won't crash. Because in my experience, say for S.T.A.L.E.R., a couple guns can't have attachments because they don't have the model and mesh.


The thing is that I thought that you had to have a new mesh for each attachment on the gun - a new model with a suppressor, another new model with a reflex sight, and another one with both.

As you can see, this is not a stalker. A bit more modern game where the weapon is only basic model. Any attachment will be loaded as separate model added to the proper point.

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The main thing to worry about is that some of the weapons without silencers don't show up in the menu properly when the game gives you a demo of what the weapon looks like with the attachment (eg the 1911 pistol disappears below the menu window when you equip the silencer (which you have to reattach to the weapon through modding, the default game won't have a silencer for that weapon)).

The other thing is apart from assault rifles, smgs and sniper rifles most other weapons can only use two attachments.

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