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sundered towers ctd/freezes


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Got something that never happened in 4 or 5 years of skyrim:

Continuous ctd n freezes near sundered towers.


There are a couple of discussions about, but meaning no solution.

Got actually a reasonable pc: 8 gb ram, intel core.

Cleaned the area before (in other play through not long ago) in this same pc.

No changes, no add, delete nor disable mods.


I got something like 170+ mods n of course all the stuff necessary for skyrim actually works.


Is there a reason for those ctd/freezes in this particularly area?

And are there a solution?


If so i would greatly appreciate.

Thanks in advance


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  • 4 weeks later...

I had this too. Many play-throughs with no issues at Sundered Towers, then bam! Ctd. Remedy at end of post may work for you.

I have developed some conspiracy theories, one of which is that STEAM updates sometimes corrupt Skyrim files. My troubles began after a STEAM update. Papyrus logs, after the crash, showed a lot of irrelevant scripts from ongoing unfinished quests crashing my game. I used a save cleaner to remove these scripts, progressed a little ways, then still bam.


Revalidating local SR files at STEAM failed, and even when I did that and played the save, I still ctd at Sund. Tow.


Perhaps try these? If you still have a Helgen Keep save on the current character/play through, load that, open the console, search the wikis for Sundered Towers’ coc location code and type that in, hit return. Exit console. You may have to toggle god mode, if your low level character is attacked now at Sundered Towers. Move around a bit. Detoggle god mode, then, while there, open your save menu, and try loading the save that’s been leading to the Sun. Tow. ctd. The location may now work.


I think what worked, for my pc, however, was approaching the location, using the console to purge cell buffers, bat clean1, bat clean2, (research those), saving my game, then using the console to player.kill, resurrecting, saving, and then achieving the location. Or sometimes after saving after player.kill, exit the game to main menu, then to desktop. Restart the game and try both continue game or load new save.


Another technique is to approach Sund. Tow. via the cave entrance to the Ascent and see if you ctd.

There are lot of scripts running around that location, too. Best of luck!

Edited by Gorgopis
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  • 5 weeks later...


I believe found what was my problem(s) in The Reach.

A couple of mods.

Uninstalled all and reinstall.

Actually got other issue: some NPCs didn't gave 2nd line of dialogue to invest in their business. All solved for me now in these 2 matters.


Thanks, good luck.

Btw: Happy 2021.

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