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Just got Skyrim, what order for main mods


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Hi all, I have an i5-2500k OCed and I have 7950 crossfire, and soon to have a 2560x1600 IPS, so I want to make skyrim look even better and give the 7950s something to do.


The steam DL is about 75% done, I DLed the nexus mod manager. So what next? Is there really 4k textures, I want the main graphics improvement mods, any suggestions?


So far I went to Most endorsed files of all-time (non-adult) , and just had a quick look.


I'll think about mods for weapons, armor later, so for now my focus is


-Skyrim UI

-overall graphics




-crypt interiors


Any useful tips, mod install order, etc would help, THANKS

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Search using Nexus' category section, then use either sort by endorsements and / or downloads. You'll find the long-standing popular mods per section this way, but I recommend going through each search list for several pages as there have been good mods released recently that won't show up in your search straight away as it'll take a little while for them to go up the list. There's obviously "less popular" mods that can also be just as good, so basically do a thorough search. There's no quick way to get Skyrim modded as you'll eventually like it - it's a long process of trial and error.


As for install order, that'll totally depend on which mods you're going to use, but in practice it's normally wise to get mods that don't conflict with others (do the same or even similar thing). Sounds obvious but some people chuck everything at the game and wonder why it breaks it once in a while. Once you have a selection of mods downloaded and ready to try, run BOSS first - it's a load order manager that'll organise your mod / plugin list for best compatibility.

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you can make it as crazy as you want, it just totally depends on what you want


i personally don't care about overall graphics, had all kinds of HD mods installed but noticed i didn't gave a crap while i do had fps drops because of em


now i got some content mods and some character model mods and i was fine with it


just call out what you want and ppl can recommend you stuff

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Skyrim HD has a sharper and somewhat gritty look while the official HD textures tend to look more smooth and weathered. You should take a look at the comparison images to help you pick. You can find them by clicking on the images tab on Skyrim HD's page. There's a few in the user-submitted section in addition to the ones uploaded by the author.

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If you use the Mod Organizer to install your mods, then it won't matter what order you install them, since MO does not install mod files directly into the game data folder, so there is no 'overwriting' of duplicate loose files.

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Search using Nexus' category section, then use either sort by endorsements and / or downloads. You'll find the long-standing popular mods per section this way, but I recommend going through each search list for several pages as there have been good mods released recently that won't show up in your search straight away as it'll take a little while for them to go up the list.



It takes a "little while" largely because people sort by endorsements and/or downloads.

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It takes a "little while" largely because people sort by endorsements and/or downloads.

True, but when starting to mod Skyrim for the first time then searching for most downloaded / endorsed mods is perhaps the primary method, and I did state to look further down the lists and that it takes a long trial and error process to find the mods that each individual likes.


I personally don't have many "popular" mods installed and I find mods via looking on Nexus on a daily basis (which I've been doing for months now) and via this forum (also visited daily).

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instead of a list for most endorsed mods there should just be a list of mods (created by the community) that are simply improving the vanilla skyrim without harming the lore


as a small example to improve 1 aspect of the game (dead plains)



birds http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17723

pets http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17424

real wildlife http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9778


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