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[LE] Custom follower chooses clothing over armor.


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I hope I'm in the right place... I'm trying to create a custom follower using this guide: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim


I'm having issues with his outfit/armor though. For some reason, no matter what outfit I use as a template, it has farm clothes in it that CANNOT BE REMOVED, and aren't even visible when I open the outfit.


I remove everything from the template outfit, then add fur armor, forsworn boots, and forsworn gloves to the outfit. Those three are all that are visible in the outfit when I create it.


But then when I choose my custom outfit in the follower's inventory tab, for some reason, it lists farm clothes amongst the three pieces I chose. Even if I set it to no outfit at all, it still lists 'ClothesFarmClothes01' in the Outfit Objects window.


Because of this, when I recruit the follower, he removes his fur armor and puts on the farm clothes. This makes absolutely NO sense, especially since he has other armor in his inventory to choose from in addition to his assigned outfit.


How do I get this to stop? How do I remove the farm clothes from the Outfit Objects in his inventory tab?? I figure something like AFT could be used to bypass this in-game, but it shouldn't be happening at all, and makes no sense. :( Not to mention it's incredibly frustrating that, by default, he refuses to use armor.

Edited by AyamePasse
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All npc and followers have a default outfit that is set in the creation kit. Most of the time they will choose the wear the armor that is higher. Depending on other setting for the character they may differ. Anyways try setting the default armor in the creation kit.

Edited by NexusComa2
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I did set the default in the CK. As detailed in my post, I made a custom outfit that was all light armor and set it in his inventory tab, but as soon as I recruit him, he changes into farm clothes and refuses to wear anything else.


I know my post was pretty long... I wanted to make sure to give every detail that could help determine the problem.

Edited by AyamePasse
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If your follower is changing outfits after you recruit him then his gear is either in Inventory on his actor form our you have the gear setup as an Alias Inventory on an existing quest (i.e. check your Alias Reference for that actor). I don't think I've ever seen clothing override armor unless it has a higher value than the armor. It how I force certain followers to only use their custom clothing over any in-game armor they pick up or the player gives them. Oh right, maybe check the value of the clothing. The only other guess I have is to go to the Actor form (record), look where is says Template Data in the bottom left and un-tick "Use Inventory" if it's checked.


It's got to be one of these things but I think it's the last I mentioned.

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If your follower is changing outfits after you recruit him then his gear is either in Inventory on his actor form our you have the gear setup as an Alias Inventory on an existing quest (i.e. check your Alias Reference for that actor). I don't think I've ever seen clothing override armor unless it has a higher value than the armor. It how I force certain followers to only use their custom clothing over any in-game armor they pick up or the player gives them. Oh right, maybe check the value of the clothing. The only other guess I have is to go to the Actor form (record), look where is says Template Data in the bottom left and un-tick "Use Inventory" if it's checked.


It's got to be one of these things but I think it's the last I mentioned.

Thank you, I'll look for that. :smile: I know it's not in his inventory, as I cleared out his inventory (which was just a dagger), and added one piece of custom armor and two swords. For some reason, the farm clothing is listed in outfit objects, even though they're not in the outfit I created for him.


Edit: It may be helpful to know, I used Brand-Shei as a template to create the character, but the clothing he changes into aren't any Brand-Shei uses in-game.


Edit 2: Screenshots in the reply below to show what I mean. I can't check or uncheck "Use Inventory" because no actor base is selected. I just want to know how to remove those Farm Clothes from his outfit, since I can't do so by editing the outfit itself.

Edited by AyamePasse
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That looks like the one. Just remove all instances of any type of clothes. Sleeping gear too.

If you're using a non standard armor. It may not be set up correctly also.

Ah! It was indeed the sleep outfit adding that silly thing! I'm not sure why on earth he would change into a sleep outfit when recruited (especially since I read the sleep outfit isn't even implemented in the game), but I set it to none and the clothes went bye bye from the list.


Now I'll try to recruit him again and see if that helped. :)

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