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Need Help With Custom Enchantment


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So, I'm working on an "Ancient Nordic Helm of Power". It uses the Yngol helm mesh, and the intended effect is a few fortifying enchantments and glowing draugr eyes.


There's just one problem...


The eye effect isn't working properly. The helm goes on, the eyes -sorta- light up, but it's just a basic glow around the edge, more like phosphorescent makeup than the intended "blazing power eyes".


And, when the helmet comes off, the messed-up eye glow remains.


All I'm really good at is assembling resources donated by others, and at enchanting (which apparently I need some help with). Any help I can get in making this work properly will help.


NOTE: I'll get a screenshot as soon as I can, I'm a little absent-minded about these things.

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Here's the helmet when equipped. I'd upload a shot of it unequipped, but apparently I'm now experiencing CTDs caused by attempting to open the inventory. Going to have to look into that too.



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