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New "pipboy"


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Ive always been annoyed by the pip boy when im in 3rd person. so i was wandering if it was possible to replace the pip boy with a journal and just remove the pip boy from your wrist? Maybe have it so when you turn 10 in the vault the overseer/Dad gives you a journal. To fix the problem of "you now have no way to get radio signals" "theoreticly i mean" Maybe have the person that didnt give you the journal give you your own radio.

Just my idea for a new mod that i would very much enjoy and appreciate.

Thank you,


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Or you could just turn the Pip Boy into a PDA-type device. It would have all the functionality of the originaly while being stowed in your pocket, not on your arm.


I must say, however, that you are by no means the first to voice such opinions and there are at least a couple other threads on the matter; I suggest you check them out.

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