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The other night Skyrim crashes while I am in the BBLS, no big deal Skyrim CTDs now and then, it's late so I call it a night. The next day when I turn on the computer, there is a Steam update and then a NMM update and I update 3 or 4 mods. On starting the game, it CTDS during the loading screen, again then again. Go back one save, same thing. Go back another save and the game starts up. In the first two saves I am inside the BBLS in the third save I am just outside on the deck. When I go to enter the BBLS interior...CTD. Between all the updates I have no idea where to look. It is certainly got something to do with BBLS interior as I can't start a game inside it or enter it without crashing. Any guesses? Texture overload?

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do you have any follower stuck inside when you've ctd 1st and then update it while he was link to your char?

do you update ladscape texture like SFO, it's really hudge now,


try this, with the save you get working, just set time 1 or 2 hours further and go in, if it's good, it was a npc from an other place who was the culprit, i've had the problem when using BBLS.


THKS to VictoriaG, i believe i was going nuts with NMM, ;)


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Saves from my clean save won't load now. Looks like I'm stuck in a wagon bound for Helgen again.

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The saves from your clean save wont load because you removed a mod from the loadup which is needed.

I dont have a clue what BBLS is, but I would do the following:

First find out which mods you really need to get your cleansave running again. For example I need skyrim, dawnguard, racecompability, custom race mod. Than my save loads. Is there some bloodtexture spread, you need the bloodmod too (enhanced bloodtexture or the other one). This is an example what is essentiell for my save to load. Papyrus goes crazy but I load into the game.

For you it will be a different setup and youll have to find it out. It will take a bunch of tries, but with NMM is easy to uncheck 20 mods and try loading up and repeat this again and again. It takes some time, but it will be helpful even in the future.

After you found your essentiell modlist, think about what mods are needed to run this BBLS thing. Tick them also in NMM, load into game and enter this BBLS. If its still crashing Im out of ideas what else you can do.

If its working you just have to find out by enabling your mods with NMM which of the mods is the cause of the crash.


Oh, and dont forget the skeletons and such things. I had this nice crash because I used a custom skeleton and it was only crashing near kajits.

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I've made it an opportunity (at level 15) to restart and play what will be my first playthru in Skyrim. I bought it in November just past after waiting a year for it to become at least a stable beta ;). I also knew that modders would have made their mark by the games first anniversary. I knew about mods but nothing about employing them. I didn't DL a hundred mods at once, I built slowly but without proper knowledge. It is an endless buffet of tempting morsels and main courses and is difficult to ignor. Of the 200 hours in two starts with two characters, I'm sure I spent more time doing quests for follower mods and researching/testing mods than playing the actual game ;). And it was a steep learning curve for me as I have been away from PC games for a decade. (My first TES was Daggerfall . It was a 400+ megabite full install, I had a 240 megabite hard drive.) Anyway, I had about 120 mods and I've pared away over 3 dozen to start this new round. My intent is to try to not add anything new or delete anything. I have only one large overhaul and a minimum of fluff. I've got most of the utlilities and must haves for management and what I like and find useful. So I hope this next round will be stable. I've never played the game vanilla. It is the first time I've ever spent three months learning, practising and preparing to play a game! Wish me luck!

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@Shubal do yourself a favor, don't install anything before starting the game, then after Helgen, (which is a scripted area and doesn't like to much mods), go to riverwood and during the first quest where you must talk to alvor or Gerlud, go in one of the house or shop save here, then install your char (textures, racemenu (if u use it), hair etc..), all textures you want, landscape, flora, load, check if every things is fine, new save.


load order is the most important thing in skyrim, so use Boss to optimize it at best, but also install order, for ex: if you use landscape texture + flora + water etc..install them first in this order, they are all overhaul and huge, they will cross each other for few mesh, then your lighting mods if any, then BBLs for ex.

play a few hours check if it works fine, try to achieve your first dragon quest for Whiterun, by the house if you can, and save inside, if not go to a shop and save again, from there install the heavy mods one by one or at max 5, this way you'll now which one is a culprit if there any. it takes time, but this way it will be really more stable.

last tip, try to always save your char in a small cell, before exit


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Is it best to deactivate the mods or just deactivate the ESM's and ESP's?


Edit: probably the mods as some have no ESP's.

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