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Trouble with Follower Quest and Dialogue Customization


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Here's what I'm hoping is a simple issue, with a mod I'm currently working on.

I'm working on a small dialogue replacement for Brelyna Maryon, which would ideally make it so that, when she is the player's spouse, she no longer responds to being dismissed as a follower with "I'll see you back at the College." The steps I follow for this are as such:

- Open the CK, load Skyrim.esm as Master
- In the object window, find and open Brelyna Maryon
- In Brelyna Maryon's character window, open the dialogue window
- In the Dialogue window, find the DialogueFollowerDismiss topic
- Open Brelyna's default dialogue response for that topic

  • Add a condition to check GetRelationshipRank (Reference: PlayerRef) != 4.00
  • Leave everything else untouched

- Back in the dialogue window, duplicate the default response

  • Edit added GetRelationshipRank condition to == 4.00
  • Edit dialogue to use custom audio, edit subtitle to match
  • Make sure papyrus fragment matches that of the original

- Close all of the windows and save the plugin

The issue I'm having is that the custom, duplicated dialogue never actually triggers the dismissal function, while the original will continue to work. I've puzzled over this problem, but I'm rather new to modding. Am I missing something in the Follower Quest system that handles dismissal? I have also tried it the other way around, where the "original" response is meant for a Relationship Rank of 4.00 and the duplicated response is the default one. I've also toyed with the papyrus in both dialogue objects, and while I vaguely grasp what it's doing, I dont know enough to feel truly comfortable messing with things.


EDIT: I've revisited this, today, after realizing that perhaps having Ultimate Follower Overhaul installed was creating some sort of incompatibility that I hadn't noticed. After looking at the DialogueFollower quest, and trying a number of different things, including shifting around the load order of my mod so that UFO loads afterwards, I'm still having this issue. I don't want to bump my own thread, because that's just rude, but I am rather desperate for any assistance I could get on this one. :/

Edited by redrew89
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