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2 weapons holstered at once.


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If no one did this kind of mod yet means Fallout 3 has more of a textureing/modeling artist-fan base crowd. Any one who can write "Hello World" in C++ and played the game can see the we can make a script that lets you equip multiple weapons.


I for one can't manage to understand how didn't Bethesda thought of this. What did they do... strip Oblivion of its Dark Age look and filled it with "Waste"?

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  • 5 months later...
Unequipping a weapon when equipping another is hardcoded I believe. Unless it can be overwritten as such;


begin OnUnequip




but I doubt it. I once used a programming engine where you could reprogram basic functions, and use the old code later down in the code example;


if(!src.name) //if the user has no name
	var/namer = input("What is your name?")
		alert("No anime characters.")
		goto spawner
		src.name = namer //set the name
..() //then get on with the original protocal


Ofcourse this engine was more flexible, but had more limitations (wasn't 3D, but very powerful). Not sure if script has this function, but if it does I'd gladly do it.




Actually, I think it is possible. You set up an armor for every weapon type, and give it no equip type (so it can be combined with anything).


scn ExampleCode
ref item

begin OnEquip
set item to activated;not quite sure of the function
set item.equipped to 1;give each weapon a script

if(item.unequipped == 1)
set item.unequipped to 0
unequipitem item.armorequiv;set up a ref which is connected to an armor


begin OnUnEquip
set item to activated
set item.unequipped to 0

if(item.equipped == 1)
set item.equipped to 0
equipitem item


This code would require a lot of tweaking, and would not work on its own but it's a guideline and could help someone who really wants to make it.


Dude I remeber taking a computer programming class, I walked in thinking I was hot poo because I can build computers, hunt down and disassemble weak viruses, crap like that ya know. I thought I was "joe cool" until the teaching started lol. Man that class made me feel all sorts intellectually inferior haha.


To add my two cents I do believe this idea lies with scripting.

Anyone remeber this mod from Oblivion?


Maybe the same concept can be applied to this idea?

Though how the script worked is beyond my understanding unfortunantly.

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If no one did this kind of mod yet means Fallout 3 has more of a textureing/modeling artist-fan base crowd. Any one who can write "Hello World" in C++ and played the game can see the we can make a script that lets you equip multiple weapons.
I'm having trouble deciding if you're trolling or if you're just ignorant. Anyone who's played the game, and especially anyone who's had a look at the back end, can see that the game engine doesn't allow any actor to equip multiple weapons simultaneously. When a weapon is equipped, it automatically displaces the previous weapon.


That said, this idea should be possible, and it's something that I'd certainly love to see done. The way I see it, however, it will require new "holstered" models to be created for each weapon for which it works, as I don't think the current weapon models can be applied appropriately to apparel. It would also require a new form to be created for each weapon that should be compatible with such a mod.


Assuming that such items have been created, I don't imagine the scripting would be particularly difficult. I think the best way to go would be to use to form lists, one containing real weapons and the other containing "fake" weapons, and use FOSE's ListGetFormIndex and ListGetNthForm to determine one from the other. Then it would be a simple matter of managing which weapon is currently equipped, and which weapon(s) are being "faked", and using EquipItem and UnequipItem accordingly. Swapping between weapons could be done via the vanilla hotkeys or via FOSE-defined hotkeys for specific weapon types.


@Harabec Weathers:

If I remember correctly, that mod uses the method that I've just described of having "fake" shields that can be equipped as apparel which are used when the player's weapon is not out, and are swapped with the real shield when it is needed.



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I think you could do this, but you have to make an apparel item that is a sheathed or holstered version of every weapon you want to use in this manner.

If you check out the CRI Squad mod by tumbajumba, you'll see that he was modded a couple weapons to allow you to sheath them while using other weapons. He did it with a machette and a pistol and it looks really cool. He even made it so that when you actually pull out the machette or pistol, their repective holster or sheath is still in place, but it becomes empty, which is a nice effect.


Hope that helps some. Just throwin in my two cents.

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Here is the outline of the idea..


Ever ask you're self why when you take out your pistol you're rifle disappears off your back 0_o i mean really??


Why not a mod that does something like this.


You holster a 10mm pistol.. then you holster a hunting rifle.. Now both are holstered and visible on you're back and side.


Now pull out a 32.cal pistol and pull it out.. them holster it and it replaces your 10mm in the holster without removing you're hunting rifle...


or get out a sniper rifle and holster it an it replaces you're hunting rifle without removing you're pistol.



That's the Idea... the implementation is up to the modder cause I have no idea how to do this sort of modding...

Yeah it does look kinda dumb, it would be good to make the game more realistic like that and make your charactor look like more of a baddass. But the question is who's going to take up the mod?.

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