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Teldryn Sero Disappeared


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I've seen this topic posted elsewhere but I've not found a solution.


Teldryn Sero appears to have disappeared from my game. I've hired him once and dismissed him and now he is not at the Retching Netch where he should be. I've tried console commands to find him and that has not worked either.


After I eventually got the option to have Frea as a follower I dismissed him in the Skaal Village, after having done a few quests together. He then started making his way back to his original hire location (Retching Netch) as any other NPC would, I even saw him on his way there and he stopped to help in a fight before continuing on.


Now many days later I'm done in Solsteim and wanted to return to Skyrim. I've dismissed Frea as I wanted to take Sero with me but when I went back to the Retching Netch I can't find Sero, he is not where he's supposed to be.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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If anyone's looking at this because they had the same problem here is my solution.


Sero got stuck in the landscape due to crappy path finding for NPC's in Solsteim. I had to load a earlier save to get his RefID because apparently the one on UESP was incorrect. Than I was able to use the player.moveto console command to find him stuck in some rocks halfway between Skall Village and Raven Rock.


The full command I used was "player.moveto 04038565" without the quotation marks if you are wondering ;)


Hope this helped you :)

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