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What do you do about it?


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Hello Guys,


I want to know what you do if you come across some mean bug that is either immersion breaking or game breaking.

For example NPC's won't talk to you anymore or a side quest so bugged that you can't complete it (without using the console)


So what do you do about it? Start a new game? Try to fix it?

Or if you can't fix it try to ignore it and get on with the game?



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I firstly try to find a fix for it. If that fails I try to find some way to fix it in the game without the console. For example the tripwire that won't break when you are escorting esben from the sewers in riften. There you can just fus ro dah esben trough the wire.


If I can't so that then it's the console. I personally won't start a new game if I gotten really far. But after I started using the unofficial skyrim patch, I haven't encountered a lot of bugs ;)

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