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No sound at all, even after removing all mods and reinstalling clean. What can I do?


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More detail is always helpful, and which bits are relevant is not always apparent initially, which is why we ask for all things we do in the in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.


In addition to the "sound device driver" there is also an audio pipeline component known as the "codec". There is at least one bundled with Windows, but some older games utilized aspects of one that is no longer included. (This is suggested due to the loss of audio during the intro "bink" video, etc., playing.) Please see 'Issue - SOUND - Ambient music skips-jitters-hiccups-pops-stutters' of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article. Note the "solutions" are listed in order of their easy of implementation and likelihood to be all that is needed.


"IndirectSound" may help if you are configuring Windows for "3D sound" to play through multiple external speakers, which use separate "channels" to direct the audio output, as in "surround sound". That would affect what appears to come from one side or another, but not the "type" of audio (e.g. voices vs radio vs fx). If you configure for "headphones" or basic "stereo" while testing then it shouldn't make any difference to what you can't hear. Recommend you keep it simple (i.e. "headphones") until you appear to hear all the audio sources.


If the above doesn't solve the problem, we need to know the details about:

* Your version of Windows Operating System.

* Your audio device(s) from the Windows "hardware and devices" screen. Check under "Multimedia" as well.

* If a laptop, desktop, or other type of platform.


I've found the (freeware) "Belarc Advisor" to be very helpful is gathering together such details in a "human readable" format.



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