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Fresh Start - Point Me The Right Way (Mod Help)


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Hello all,


Thank you for taking the time to read this. I will get right to it;


I have just reformatted my computer (as it's been over 8 months since my last), and the only thing I have now, aside from all my driver updates, is Skyrim, and a few other small programs like chat clients, etc. I will make this as clear, and concise as possible.


I have:

- Steam - Skyrim Installed

- Third Party Assistance Programs:

  • - Nexus Mod Manager
  • - BOSS - Mod Load Assist?
  • - SKSE Ready

- DLCs

  • Dawnguard
  • Hearthfire
  • Dragonborn

- Mods:

  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
  • Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
  • Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
  • SkyUI
  • iHUD
  • Categorized Favorites Menu
  • Quality Road Maps

I need:


- Mods to heavily increase all other aspects of the game.

  • Firstly, I want to have the game as close as possible to looking out my bedroom window, and seeing the world. I think this one is pretty straight forward what I'm seeking.
  • Secondly, I brainfarted here. So lets stick to the First Mod need (as there are dozens of lighting, and texture mods, I'm seeking the most reputable, as well as best of those lighting/texture mods, that is also as compatible as possible with everything else.
  • Anything else that would help me!

My biggest fear:


- Doubling over on two lighting mods, etc, etc. I just want all the compatibility I can have, that provides the greatest Skyrim experience.


I am forever thankful for any assistance. Thank you, in advance!


Happy Hunting, Skyrimmers! :geek:

Edited by TheOutlawJesseJames
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This is what I have, looks beautiful runs well on my moderate 7/10 PC. - with a few performance enhancers that are not mods, but are on Nexus. 1 Mod i MUST MUST MUST recommend that doesn't have an .esp is BUMP TERRAIN! Simply brilliant rocks along side No Stretching, another none .esp. So Immersive with Moss On Rocks mod. And Vilja is the only .esp Mod recommend as Essential AND Brilliant, truly outstanding work that mod team.

Edit: Black highlighted box should be red, ima paint noob.



^AWESOME link, has ALL THE great mods, and tonnes of under the radar ones.




Edited by neiljwd
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