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Can't Leave Markarth


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I have exactly the same issue, staying forever on the loading screen when leaving Markarth, and I use SFO v1.79e.

I will try the "2048 tree LODs for v179e" patch today to see if it helps.

Thanks for this thread !


Update: It worked, no more freezing. It's weird that I had to reduce the tree LOD from 4096 to 2048 when my video card is GeForce Titan with 6 GB memory, obviously the game engine has some limitations. BTW, before I patched SFO, I was able to leave Markarth by saving my game, quitting to desktop, load the savegame and leave through the gate / fast travel successfully.

Edited by roumensp
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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh thank the Gods! (Well actually, it's the modder but whatever...).


I spent my time rubbing my head wondering what the hell going on when I tried to exit markarth serveral times and found this thread. Gonna check it later and hopefully I can do that... quest I need to do.

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Thank Heavens! I was so frustrated with Markarth! Removing the LOD tree file (Data/textures/terrain/tamriel/trees/tamrieltreelod.dds) solved my problem. I've never been so happy to see Markarth stables...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I had this issue today and deactivating realistic ragdolls and force somehow solved it.


EDIT: Ok this is wierd. Did some more testing and it seems I can use either realistic ragdolls and force or SFO full, but not both. So time for me to decide what I can live without, leaning towards keeping Realistic Ragdolls.


EDIT2: So I was thinking since there isn't really any in game mechanical interaction between Realistic Ragdolls and SFO full, that the only reason they should create the infinite load problem is due to a memory shortage. So I went in to my enblocal and adjusted my VideoMemoryReservedGB to 4096 up from 2048. And it fixed the infinite load while using both Realistic Ragdolls and SFO full!

Edited by gnarlylex
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