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[WIPZ] An Alternate Start mod similar to RAS


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I am currently working on a mod similar to syclonix's Random Alternate Start.


This started out as I did personal changes to the different starting equipment RAS gave you and was balancing my own game using overhauls like SkyRe.


After successfully satisfying my tweaks of kits RAS gave you by giving you armor and items from other mods like Immersive Weapons & Immersive Armor, I realized how the re playability of Skyrim could be really buffed up with a really flexible chargen overhaul that specializes the flat-out base character starting equipment and base char development of Skyrim.


I was asking syclonix for permission to redistribute some of his files to make addons and compatibility patches for his mods to incorporate expansions to other mods like getting a full set of Paladin Armor when picking the Crusader starting kit from RAS, but he hasn't been active for some time now, so this would be the best time to start working on it.


Currently the plan is to deviate from other starting mods and offer the player maximum compatibility for other mods, equipment customization, specialization, flexible lore based chargen and storyline.


I just need to really full proof the concept of this mod so I need ideas on how do I do all these. :)

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