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Those blasted Argonian women and their tails!


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Okay, here's the thing. The placement of the tails for female Argonians has always bugged me. Expecially since I use nude mods to get rid of those loin cloths that annoyed me almost as much. Problem being, female Argonians.... their tails are comming out of their butts, and I want to fix that, since far as I can tell, no one else has bothered to do so.


Problem is... I'm totally green to the creation kit, and after poking around it a little, I have no idea where to pull up would could be just a general skeleton for argonian builds so I can change that. Anyone out there able to point me in the right direction?

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Wont be able to fix that through CK, you'll need to edit SkeletonBeast.nif and relocate the bones and maybe also edit the mesh. Don't mess with the relative position of the tail child bones though, or you'll have animation problems. But moving the Tail01 should be fine. Also, some edit on the mesh may also be required.

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