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Automatic Renaming in Enchanting


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When you travel Skyrim and stumble across magical items, they have a name reflecting their effect. My necklace with cold resistance is a Necklace of Waning Frost, for example.


But I was astonished to find that if I put the same enchantment on it, my Silver Necklace remains a Silver Necklace, only telling me its effect if I look at its description.


Quite annoying to find and equip that one useful necklace when you have tons of others that you smithed and are just carrying until a merchant has enough money so you can enchant them with junk and sell them. Or worse, if you have a lot of enchanted necklaces that you can't sell yet because the vendor ran out of money, and they each take a slot in the inventory instead of piling up.


I have just learned - after I enchanted my whole equipment, of course - that you can rename items when you enchant them. Great. But do people really want to have to type out a name every time? And what if they forget, wasting their rare item and soul gem?


To resolve this issue, I would absolutely LOVE it if someone could add such a feature to the game: when enchanting an item, it has, by default, the name it would have if found on an adventure. Of course, it could still be custom-named, but if not, that's how it would be.


If such a feature actually exists already, please link me to it, because I haven't found it.

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