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nifscope hates me?


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So i recently decided to go back and fix up a shield i made, i modified the 3dsmax scene to do this and than created the DDS maps and a .png from scratch. Unfortunatley when i slapped everything together in nifscope while at first everything looked fine, once i saved the .nif file the texture disappeared and the mesh turned white. I loaded it into the CK to see what it looks like and its black. So after i made sure the i had "has vertex colors" set as yes and had the "num uv sets" as 4096, i retriangulated the box mesh in 3ds and re-did the DDS from the mudbox .png. Ive noticed now that when i open the mesh in nifscope sometimes it wont ever show any texture and occasionally it will show the mesh all mixed up as if it was the wrong DDS, i have no idea whats wrong somebody please help me lol
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