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7 Days To Die

Mod Request: Godly tools


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I've recently come back to 7DTD and don't dedicate a ton of time to gaming but my daughter(who enjoys creative mode in minecraft) and I have been watching streams and I figured i'd introduce her to the actual game. The last time I played, I was able to edit the xml files directly and make weapons as strong as I wanted, antibiotics do as much healing, etc. as I chose. I'm no longer able to do that as the effects don't show up in game.


I'm requesting a mod for simple tools(wood club, stone axe, painkillers, antibiotics) to be extremely strong. For the tools/weapons, be able to 1-2 hit anything in it's way, and for the painkillers/antibiotics, to be able to heal any negative to the character, fully.


Thanks in advance!

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