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A free get-out-of-jail card


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I wonder if anyone would make an object, maybe a pole, a rock, a tree, or something, that when you touch it, by clicking on it, it wipes out your bounty for the hold you're in. It would be listed under cheat items, I suppose, and you could have one in each hold, so that your bounty for that hold could be wiped out. I think that would be better than having one rock that wipes out all the bounties in every hold.


I think each object should be set to *not* remove stolen items and *not* send you to jail. And it could be a different type of object in each hold -- a tree in one, a rock in another, and so on. Having an object in each hold in the game, and having to search and find that object, would be far better and more immersive, than just using the console command to wipe out your bounty.


I think each object should have a marker so that the "Clairvoyance" spell would lead you to it, and a little arrow above it so you would recognise it once you got there.


Ideally, it should not be in a town, because that would make it too easy to reach. It should be out in the wilds, or the snow, so that it would be a small challenge to reach it. Anyone think this is a good idea? Anyone care to make it into a mod?



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