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stuttering walk/run (not graphics stutter)


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I am experiencing a wierd behaviour that i cannot find any information on.


When I walk forward I get a continious 'stop-pullback' in the movement. The animation is playing as normal (as if I was moving forward), but every 1,5 secs or so I'm stopped and pulled back a fraction. It makes no difference if I am walking running or sprinting, it seems to be a timed interval, not a distance interval.


I've recently in blind faith done a lot of installing/uninstalling of mods and I probably messed something up (obviously). I have a hunch that this might be related to a dodgemod (I've tried TKdodge and dodgemod, none installed now) or some other keyboard-input reading mod.


Does anyone have any suggestions?



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The issue is not solved apparently. Old saves still inherit the problem, but new games are fine.


I tried using a savegame scanner and loaded all the same mods again, not even getting a warning or anything. The character still moves stuttered and keeps halting. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear it.

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ok, finally fixed it!


Problem: old scripts kept triggering, causing 'script lag' that froze the movement of the character as she moved through the world.


troubleshooting: I loaded a game, used the console command "tscr" to toggle scripts off, and the game would work normally until i entered a house or talked to a merchant.


Solution: I followed the guide here: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Troubleshooting#tab=Mods_and_Savegames and managed to get a new clean save (I hope)

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