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High Poly Head and CBBE Morphs issue


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This many be a know issue already but hoping someone has a fix:


Anytime I load a High Poly head in Race Menu, I am unable to adjust the CBBE Morph sliders. In fact, my game crashes if I do. Is CBBE not compatible with High Poly heads? If not is there a fix or a workaround?


If there is already another thread, I couldn't find it.


It seems it may not just be the Poly head. If I load someone's presets this happens as well and crashes my computer.

Edited by jman510
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I think only if you have the CBBE version of those NPCs do they change. I think there is an option on some of them when you download them in the FOMOD of say, Bijin's NPCs. I could be mistaken. But the best course of action is to create your body in CBBE itself, then you have to batch it to work with the outfits that have CBBE capability.

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Doesn't using body slide apply to all your characters though, even NPC's? I use the CBBE morph tab in RaceMenu to make my chaacter look different than the other NPC's.

As PoeticAnt44 suggested,

  • If your player is female
  • And if she uses a CBBE-family body (although I'd think whatever you chose as your foundation would be applied by the same game/bodyslide studio mechanism, be it CBBE, CBBE-3BBB, BHUNP, UUNP, etc
  • And unless you've installed something (and follow associated build procedures) to direct your player changes to a "unique" body build

whatever you build for your fem character is applied to all generic female characters, unless the character in question is has and is designed to use its own meshes and textures.


Note: FWIW, I'm not sure if the male body definition works the same way.

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  • 2 years later...


Sorry I'm late to the party, but I just experienced this problem too.

I use Obody NG which uses morph sliders and requires


in RaceMenu SKEE64.ini. However, another mod overrode this setting and caused CTD when I also installed High Poly Head.

Without HPH I had no problems changing the morphs; I could even change the body preset via OBody with bEnableBodyGen=1 instead of 0 because the other mod overwrote this setting (no HPH installed yet).
When I installed HPH, I had CTD. Setting bEnableBodyGen=0 fixed it for me.
I suspect it must be some sort of conflict between HPH and RaceMenu morphs, but I haven't researched it thoroughly.
To be on the safe side, set bEnableBodyGen=0 in SKEE64.ini and make sure no other mod overwrites that setting, or the INI as a whole. If you have already done that, I have no idea what could be causing the CTD you are experiencing.

Edited by Kevraltar
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