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Far Cry

Re-enable minimap Ziggy's


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I am currently using Ziggys mod and I am wanting to re-enable some of the features of the game for personal use.

1. re-enable the minimap

2. show the original animal icons

3. show where I am on the map

4. Maybe re-enable tagging. (still undecided on this)

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  • 2 months later...

I would also like to know how to do this. Im very much on the fence weather to use this mod or not based on the mini map. All the other stuff that was added to the game is pretty awesome.

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  • 5 weeks later...

You'll need Gibbed's tools for what you want to do.

Basically, you'll need to unpack the patch.fat/dat archive with gibbed's tools, and delete the packed texture files included there. Then rebuild the archive. There will be three sets of files. One is the minimap texture, and the second is the worldmap texutre. Both should be located in a folder called Supertextures somewhere in the textures directory. As for the minimap, I don't remember which folder it's in, but it will also be in a textures folder, you'll need to use common sense to ascertain which one. You'll know it when you find it because it has 12,000 files, each 1kb in size. Delete that entire folder. Each texture is a segment of the minimap, ziggy's replaced the vanilla ones with 12000 transparent blank textures.


I recommend watching the youtube tutorials and reading the dunia2 documentation (search google for that phrase) to give you an idea of how to familiarise yourself with the tools. It shouldn't take more than a day's work to get familiar with what you want, and all you really want is to delete files, not edit them.

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