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Blurred screen every few seconds


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As the title says i have the center of my screen blurred out, like i am using a shout, every few seconds. Its getting really frustrating.

It started happening after i installed a new ENB. however the problem is not Depth of Field as i disabled it and the problem still persisted. It is not even caused by the ENB itself as i removed the entire ENB and the problem was still there.


I found out that when i start a new game or load a very old savegame the problem is not present. I am also not affected by any diseases or poisons.

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<p>You did remove the enb manually?</p>

<p> </p>


<p>I downloaded K Enb and checked the archive. Its using a ton of files in different locations. Clear every file and reinstall the original ones.</p>


Edit 2:

Im not going to clean the forum mess.

Edited by fiewiel
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